

The world's only stupid Border Collie.

haha I feel your pain. Everybody looks at Darwin and says " Oh he's a Jack Russell! They're so smart!"

There's a standard test used by trainers where you throw a blanket over a dog's head ; the faster he can figure a way out, the more intelligent he is (supposedly). If you do it to my guy, he just stands there wagging his tail. Funny, but kinda sad. He also falls of the bed or couch when he sleeps....

LOL I dont know if I believe in that theory, some dogs love being under blankets and its a safe place for them....Jack Russells are smart and very high energy dogs, I would never ever want one of those. All the ones I know are crazy and non stop dogs. They're very cute but they're a bit nutso and too high energy for my liking.
And my female pit will sleep so hard that she will roll off the bed and fall right on her back.....she then looks up at me like uhhhh why did you push me off the bed?