I cant resist....
She is clearly....CLEARLY loving every minute of this and enjoying what is happening to her and what she is experiencing. She is doing this not because she is getting paid for it, but because she WANTS to...she LIKES how it feels and LOVES how it looks afterwards. She looks back on this with PRIDE, and it makes her feel beautiful and desirable and validated as a sexually desirable woman. So what if she tweaked some meth just prior to doing this scene...nothing wrong with that. METH is a known aphrodisiac, perfectly acceptable for someone about to have.....um, "SEX"...with lots of different people at once, on film, for later distribution, for people all over the world, for jerking off purposes.
The fact she was paid is incidental (and in this case since it is a BRandon EYEron shoot, Incremental, as in SMALL)...she would have done this for FREE, It's obvious.
I mean look at these men she is enjoying in this picture...comeon, we have had Whores come and go through here at XPT who have fucked and eaten the splooge of these very same men. We even have one now, in Gia Jordan. These women TRULY love sex, and men (ALL MEN, any man with a penis will do) and they want the world to know it. Look at what a fine fine.....FINE specimen that man Dick Nasty is....wow what a testament to.....METH's power.