Just made a list of all my books that I have:
- Architectural Rendering Fundamentals
- Architecture: Form, Space & Order
- Behind Facades
- The Elements of Style: Encyclopedia Architectural Detail
- Structural Drawing
- Practical Mechanics and Strength of Materials
- Shelters, Shacks and Shanties
- U.S. Department of Interior Concrete Manual, 7th Edition
- Building Construction Illustrated , 2nd Edition
- Understanding Architecture
- Castles
- The Fantastic Cutaway Book of Giant Buildings
- Residential Landscaping 1
- Plan and Section Drawing
- Techniques of Interior Design: Rendering and Presentation
- Perspective for Interior Designers,
- White Pine Series: A Suburban House and Garage
- White Pine Series: A white Pine House for Vacation Season
- White Pine Series: Fences & Fence Posts of Colonial Times
- White Pine Series: Early Dwellings in New Hampshire
- White Pine Series: Designs for a Country Church & Sunday School
- Enginering, Technical Drafting & Graphics, 3rd Edition
- Technical Drawing, 2nd Edition
- Technical Illustration, 3rd Edition
- Technical Illustration, 3rd Edition, Thomas
- Technical Illustration and Graphics,
- Industrial Technical Illustration
- Engineering: Technical Drafting, 4th Edition
- Technical Sketching, 2nd Edition
- Modern Drafting: An Introduction to CAD
- Technical Drawing Problems, Series 1, 9th Edition
- Technical Writing: Process and Product, 5th edition
- Freehand Sketching for Engineering Design
- Introduction to Engineering Drawing, 2nd Edition
- Technical Illustrating
- Creative Fashion Design with Illustrator
- Fashion Computing: Design Techniques and CAD
- Fashion Designer's Handbook for Adobe Illustrator
- Fashion Sketchbook, 4th Edition
- The Spec Manual
- Hair Makeup & Fashion Styling Career Guide
- Steps to Small Business Start-Up, 5th Edition
- Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
- Alazar's Book of Bondage Volume 1
- Alazar's Book of Bondage Volume 3
- Vue 6 Revealed
- Robota
- Helmut Newton: Autobiography
- Helmut Newton: Private Property
- Helmut Newton: Portraits
- The Erotic History of Advertising
- Travels of a T-Shirt in a Global Economy
- BRDM-1 Manual (Russian)
- Tank T-54M Manual (Russian)
- Tank T-55A Manual (Russian)
- Tank Driving Manual (Russian)
- Tank Sargeant's Textbook (Russian)
- Artillery Sargeant's Textbook (Russian)
- Engineer Sargeant's Textbook (Russian)
- Weapons of Victory (Russian)
- Firetruck Technology (Russian)
- Technology of Aircraft Engine Manufacturing (Russian)
- Battle Preparation Manual for the Crew of T-64A Tank (Russian)
- BTR-70 APC Manual for the Crew (Russian)
- GAZ-53-12 Truck Manual (Russian)
- Sniper Rifles (Russian)
- Tanks of the Modern Armies (Russian)
- Modern Artillery (Russian)
- Modern Military Aircrafts (Russian)
- Tank (Russian)
- Artillery (Russian)
- AFV Repair Technology (Russian)
- Railroad Car Repair and Overhaul (Russian)
- Soviet Military Dictionary in 5 Languages (Russian)
- Essays about Weapons (Russian)
- History of Design and Construction of the Soviet Wheeled Armored Vehicles (Russian)
- Tanks and Tank Forces (Russian)
- Technical Maintenance and Repair of Tanks (Russian)
- Soviet Armored Wheeled Vehicles and Military Automobiles (Russian)
- Twentieth-Century Artillery
- Tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles
- The Great Tanks
- Modern Military Aircraft Anatomy
- Aircraft Carriers
- Inside The Titanic
- FM 7-7 The Mechanized Infantry Platoon and Squad (APC)
- FM 9-45K 3 Tank Turret Repairman, Skill Level 3
- FM 100-2-1 The Soviet Army: Operations and Tactics
- FM 100-2-2 The Soviet Army: Specialized Warfare and Rear Area Support
- FM 100-2-3 The Soviet Army: Troops, Organizationand and Equipment
- Handbook on Japanese Military Forces
- Color Drawing, 3rd Edition
- Drawing: A creative Process
- Rogers' Drawing and Design
- High Tech Illustration
- Freehand Sketching, 2nd Edition
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
- Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections
- Star Wars: Complete Locations
- Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections Man-Of-War
- Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections Castle
- Stephen Biesty's Incredible Explosions
- Stephen Biesty's Incredible Cross-Sections
- Stephen Biesty's Incredible Pop-Up Cross-Sections
- Cutaway: Fire Fighters
- Cutaway: Trains