I just found out
this web page today, and a guy there writes about how he acquired a BRDM-2 armored car from the Ukrainian army for $10,000. The vehicle was made in 1985 but was reserved in a storage facility for over 20 years without any use, so the army removed the turret and sold the vehicle with all it's guts to this lucky customer. The dude put in some more money into upgrading the vehicle to his liking: heightened-up roof, new wider windshield, added a side door, installed new windows, installed 3 layers of soundproofing, added leather seats and installed a computer with sound system. The basic fetures of the vehicles is that it has armor of 10mm, has night vision, armored wheels that can be inflated while driving and can take punishment of up to 17 bullets per wheel, can swim(10km/hr), maximum speed is 100km/hr.