
i hate it when you speak in generalities....be more specific.

I hate speaking in generalities as it may cost someone *their job*, but fuck it anyway...

A few months ago I was chatting with an ex-flame who used to work at Naughty America (who directed you in a few scenes); they mentioned that a few people on their message boards were raising questions about scenes filmed out of the country. I responded "Let me guess, does it have to do with scenes filmed in the UK?" Once they responded "yes" they asked me how I knew. I responded "Well, Christian did post a bunch of pics of his last trip to the UK all over XPT, I just assumed so." They were surprised but said I was right; we then got into a discussion with the legalities of US companies filming in the UK, and so forth.

(Mind you this was four to five months ago)

The more current discussion happened during a normal conversation with someone (another person besides the one mentioned above) in the industry; they brought you up out of the blue. They were surprised how many times you were coming up in the adult industry news then went into a bit of a tirade about you; granted, this person before this never spoke about you in a negative light, and every conversation previous to this was very *positive*.

They thought all the times you've been mentioned recently has been detrimental to your career and makes you out to be just a big goober. They felt you've been rather pretentious in the response you've given when people have found out you're still doing tranny scenes, especially with some of the responses you've given, and your reactions to it. Especially when you've tried to distance your personal and professional life as different characters (Max Diesel vs. Christian) Specifically changing your signature on the Naughty America Forums to "Thanks Laura!" or something of the such to neutralize all the criticism you were receiving over there for still doing tranny scenes.

They then reminded me we were both History majors in college, and hoped I wouldn't be as big of a douche as you.

My opinion on you remains the same Christian; I respect you probably the most out of anyone in the business for speaking your mind, but it makes it kind of weird when you're the topic of conversation (for better or worse) with a few different friends.
"I choppy choppy yo pee pee"