


Why is Darrah such a cunt?...She needs to get fucked ASAP and lighten up..Life's too short to be bitching all the time, Im not trying to start shit. But fuck. Let's all be friends!

See, you're catching on already. I'd say it's Paranoid Schizophrenia, but it could be a number of things.

Welcome to the board, SPR.

Thanxx...All the warm welcomes are greatly appreciated....

I wish I could tell you there's nothing positive to be gained from this place, but 82 posts in 24 hours tells me you're a lost cause. All the same, the favorable attention your posts have already generated are a testament to the board's sparse and infrequent experiences with anything female... so you may have a bright future here at that. Gain 20lbs and start selling your shit, and you could be the next Ceara Lynch.

Post the first PMs from Burg and Fatty in the Cage asap.
"We had part of a Slinky - but I straightened it."