
Yes that is me in the pic, Thanx Fenris...I also want to thank all of you who are welcoming me to the boards... But I seemed to have missed something, Whos is Pretty? and Why is Darrah such a cunt?...She needs to get fucked ASAP and lighten up..Life's too short to be bitching all the time, Im not trying to start shit. But fuck. Let's all be friends!

Pretty is our resident whore wannabe that is impressing the shit out of me (and others that will not admit it.) with her relentlessly positive attitude for the business. I was appalled by her at first but she is rapidly becoming one of my favorite posters due to the fact that she hardly ever says anything negative about anybody and she literally wants to be the best whore she can be.

I can't argue with that or knock it. I can only applaud it. She is truly metamorphosing into something special while we watch. I honestly feel that she's a little plastic surgery away from real success.

(Pretty, please don't take that as a slam. Time passes and parts sag. It's life. You got into this game a little late, that's all. I would slapfuck you unconscious in a heartbeat and leave you violated and covered in splooge if I had an opportunity. And I mean that in the very best way.)

Darrah is a cunt because she's a wannabe blogger and attention whore that's allergic to work, research, common sense and even friendly advice. It's a constant debate as to whether she is actually someone's alt that is just playing an elaborate joke on us.

'She looks like Brock Lesnar.' - The Tatty Patty.