



If you want a peaceful "initiation" on here, be like most of the women here and be submissive, dumb, stupid, or quiet. I'm never one to be quiet especially towards a group of men. So that's why I'm hated on here.

The reason you are seriously disliked here is because you waltzed through the door with a chip on your shoulder the size of Idaho. Nobody likes a ignorant know-it-all, regardless of them being male, female or whatever Christian XXX is.

Carve yourself off a big slice of humble pie and cram it up your ever-expanding ass.

Starrpowerready, welcome to the board. Ignore everything Darrah says and you'll be fine.

Thanxx so much!

Star, welcome to the board. Darrah's a know it all cunt with a superiority complex. Alex is a semi scary guy fom New York that is obsessed with enema's and bread machines. I don't know what Ben's deal is, he's not terribly loquacious.

The best thing you can do, as Gia said previously, is read, read, read. You will pick it up. If you have an opinion, post it, but be prepared for some tough feedback.

You will learn more on this board in one day than you would anywhere else in one year. Whether that knowledge has any practical value is another point entirely. I leave it for you to interpret.

And you appear far from ugly. If that's you n the pic, you could probably do business in the industry. I can' believe I'm saying this, but pay attention to Pretty. Attitude will take you far farther than intellect or looks ever will.

(I'm not fucking with you pretty, I'm just pointing out your strongest attribute.)


Yes that is me in the pic, Thanx Fenris...I also want to thank all of you who are welcoming me to the boards... But I seemed to have missed something, Whos is Pretty? and Why is Darrah such a cunt?...She needs to get fucked ASAP and lighten up..Life's too short to be bitching all the time, Im not trying to start shit. But fuck. Let's all be friends!
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend