

I don't get this statement. The two most visible women on this forum are Holly and Gia. I don't think either of them are "dumb, stupid, or quiet." You should reconsider why you are not too popular here.

I see them as quiet.

If you meet me in person, I'm actually not that quiet. I have to hold my tounge about a lot of shit that goes down here because I am a working professional in this industry. It's not wise for me to burn any bridges by engaging in mud slinging battles towards anyone, as I might have to deal with them professionally in the future. You can imagine how silly and embarrassing it would be if one day I met with someone I had insulted here, and they brought up "Hey, so what's with the shit you were talking about me on XPT?" I'm not some faceless person who lives in the Midwest and can say whatever I want. But if you meet me in person I'll (usually) give you my honest opinion about anyone. I'm just not going to put it down in writing on the internet. That's something you can never take back.

And BTW, welcome to the board. You'll figure out pretty quickly who the crazies and the morons are here.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.