What point?

This is XPT dude. Swimming with sharks at it's finest. Since I arrived here I've been called everything from a child molester to a homosexual to a down syndrome reject. If you want to last here, you need to let it roll right off, or failing that you need to give even better than you get.

Tritone didn't do any of that, he screamed and cried like this was a normal board. It ain't. This is society stripped bare and the only thing that generates respect around here are brains, wit and ambition. (And really nice tits.)

Nobody gives a fuck that Tritone is black. What they do care about is the red button labeled 'Don't Push!' that he straps to his forehead every fucking day. It's the equivalent of walking into the tiger cage wearing strip loin underwear.

For fucks sake dude, the highest compliment we give around here is 'good whore'. What does he expect? And if he's offended so much, why does he keep coming back? He's obviously getting something out of the equation, otherwise, why would he continue to come back and bang his head against the wall?

Yeah, Mr. Tritone isn't getting much sympathy from me.
'She looks like Brock Lesnar.' - The Tatty Patty.