


If they were genuinely unhappy with this situation then they can always leave the agency

Actually thats not true. Almost all of the legal talent agencies that are licensed and bonded with the state use a Division of Labor Standards and Enforcement approved contract that appears to be exclusive. So many of the performers that are unhappy with their agent are told they cant leave until their contract is up.

I get a lot of phone calls from performers looking to get out of their agency's contract.

and how did you do trying to fight derek on the girls contracts again? refresh my memory on that? lol

You just made his point, Huckleberry.

He probably couldn't win because of the contractual obligation, hence the girls CAN'T just up and leave without serious legal issues.

Unfucking believeable. It's like a Bugs Bunny cartoon...
"....Rabbit Season. Duck Season, FIRE!..... Blam!"

I'd rather be ignorant than stupid. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education. Stupidity implies an inability to learn. Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!