
...but since I have nothing to gain, that means I am doing this out of charity and chivalry.

I assume this also means you are not in the industry and do not hire female performers for adult productions.


I'd like to see the whores who deserve it get paid more...

The whores already get paid WAY more then they're worth. Why, when everyone else in the industry has had to tighten their belts and cut their rates, are the whores the only ones immune from the current economy?

Production budgets are almost HALF what they were even 5 years ago, yet performer rates have gone up over 30% in that same amount of time.

In any other industry, if you work twice as hard for half the money while the price of "supplies" keeps increasing, you'd go out of business. The girls need to cut their rates like everyone else, then, maybe, they'd start seeing more work and, coincidentally, more money.
I'd rather be ignorant than stupid. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education. Stupidity implies an inability to learn. Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!