
I had the displeasure of meeting this smarmy sycophant in NC. His wife was very nice. He actually flirted with me when she walked away. Said "That's a lovely dress you're wearing, it flatters your figure nicely." But the way he said it...I thought he was going to lick his lips...

Mother fucker is just an ambulance chaser who cheats on his wife who, yes, still had cancer at the time. Cheat on your wife, yeah yeah, okay. Cheat on your lovely, supportive wife who lost a child and almost died from cancer? I'll see you in Hell, buddy.

Fuck you, John Edwards.

Sorry. That's all.

didn't you hear about the recent book with all of the Edwards revelations? across the board staffers say ehe was a mean phony self-centered cunt. the complete opposite of the public image she has carefully crafted.
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