
Out of all this, one thing I noticed (and have sadly over looked - for that I'm sorry), Holly Randall is FUCKING hot as hell in a girl-next-door / secret kink kind of way. A seriously smokin dame and an amazing artist.... I'm sooooo lovin me some Holly.

Awww thanks sugar!

And Rob I did actually pick up on the LFP line-- Hustler is my biggest (magazine) client and I've known Larry since I was a little girl so if LFP was closing down I would be one of the first to know about it. As I'd mentioned to Darrah, they shut down their studio and the photographers that used to work on staff are now freelance. Like all of the adult magazines, their revenues are down by a LOT. But the casino is actually doing really well, so Larry is profiting there. And their apparel line is selling quite well also-- I've just started shooting their catalogs (did my second one about 2 weeks ago), so though LFP is shrinking in some areas, they are expanding in others. Larry isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. He's a toughie-- if anyone is going to survive in these times, it's him. His daughter is a very smart woman as well, so I think when it comes time for the next generation to take over, LFP will do just fine.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.