You don't care about her Jim or any woman in porn for that matter. Because as you and all the men here have said, they are all whores. If we hear about her in two years strung out on coke and having been raped and sodomized by every man around her, you'll still go against Shelley Lubben for trying to help her.

Look at everyone that helped Marc Wallice cover up after him knowingly infecting the girls with HIV. "The Family of X" at it's best right? He's still working in porn while the women except for Tricia are struggling to pay their bills.

William Asher ALLEDGELY raping his Vivid Girls. That cunt Monique Alexander, who was her best friend, was passed out in the next room as Asher was raping her. Monique then goes on the porn debate saying she feels no sympathy for any woman in porn who has had a hard time. So not only can you not trust your boss, you also can't trust your once best friend. The women are treeated like garbage in porn while the men can do what they want and still be allowed to make a living.