Surfers on the West coast measure the height of a wave from the back of the swell and East coast surfers measure the face of the wave. A 2 foot swell is typically a lot bigger wave then a 4 foot face.
So now my question. Should a penis be measured on the bottom (from the balls to the tip) since, erect, that is the side facing the world; OR should it be measured on the top (from the pelvis to the tip) since that is the maximum depth of thrust?
You can see my point. From the top I'm a better than average 7 inches. From the bottom, I am a more porn worthy 8 1/4 inches.
I know which measurement I'm most likely to use while bragging however I'd like your collective input on this.
[Guys, we're biased so I'm more likely to listen to what the ladies have to say]
I'd rather be ignorant than stupid.
Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education.
Stupidity implies an inability to learn.
Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!