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#348169 - 07/29/08 02:18 AM
Re: Serious Question
ADT regular
Registered: 07/29/06
Posts: 17
assuming i work with a female who is HIV positive and have anal sex vs. working with a male who is HIV positive and have anal sex....am I more likely to catch HIV from either gender or is it the exact same risk?
CHRISTIAN i dont know anyhting about mens asssholes but im theorizing that maybe they are larger than womens and less likely to be stretched/ripped/abrasioned while being analed and therefor less likely for disease transmission, i dunno its just a thought lmk how it works you for you peace1
#348170 - 07/29/08 03:33 AM
Re: Serious Question
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer
Registered: 04/11/08
Posts: 1265
I think people are missing the point here that a male performer who has been in the biz for years is still asking questions about HIV transmission.
Rear Admiral:
"If one of these whores gets herpes from me, then so be it."
"Next for me: trannies."
"This fucking jackass needs to show a recent Herpes test or go back to Canada." - BigDickDaddy
#348171 - 07/29/08 06:26 AM
Re: Serious Question
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/23/06
Posts: 486
let's wipe away the idea that in the present lifespan of the hiv/aids virus that one specific gender is more likely to carry it than the other. let's also not differentiate anal contact to vaginal contact. both will likely lead to infection if one of the participants is exposed to the virus. to say that "because you have done anal scenes with men" makes a male performer more likely to be at risk is pretty dumb. if both men have clean tests and are not having unprotected sex outside of the "aim" system, then how is this more risky activity.
think of the number of girls who might meat a man, decide she wants to bang him and not use a rubber. then she gets something, still has a clean aim test, then spreads whatever it is. how is it any different if a man did the same?
so if christian you are trying to defend that all anal is the same, then yes you are right.
unfortunately the women in your industry are typically easy to manipulate.
throatfucking is family entertainment
#348172 - 07/29/08 06:57 AM
Re: Serious Question
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser
Registered: 03/21/08
Posts: 43
I have a serious question that I would love to know the medical answer to. As in proof or a concrete answer, rather than conjecture or prejudice. I value your opinions on this forum more so than others, because I think you guys speak more freely on the subject.
Here is my question....
is there a medical difference in the risk of transmitting HIV from male-male anal sex vs. male-female anal sex.
assuming i work with a female who is HIV positive and have anal sex vs. working with a male who is HIV positive and have anal sex....am I more likely to catch HIV from either gender or is it the exact same risk? Is that scenario clear enough to decipher?
Flame away if you wish, but I would love to hear actual factual answers if possible. Thanks for your help.
Ain't you the guy who explains to, and educates girls on the risks and why you're not a risk? I'm sure all those girls are just thrilled to hear you're asking questions on a porn forum about HIV transmission.
So, when does the Christian v Mark Wallice scene come out?
#348177 - 07/29/08 09:00 AM
Re: Serious Question
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/23/06
Posts: 486
because most of your industry is filled with white trash dudes and uneducated pseudo-prostitutes with no education?
so when those people with half a brain make a statement, they just respond with something like, "U A HATER FUK UUUUUU"
throatfucking is family entertainment
#348178 - 07/29/08 11:51 AM
Re: Serious Question
#348179 - 07/29/08 12:44 PM
Re: Serious Question
Porn Jesus
Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 4468
Loc: Great America
in related news Quote:
Ivan Responds to Christian's Moron Comments
--reader speak
Christian on his blog earlier called Ivan, the director of Anabolic, a moron in the context that Ivan allegedly tells new girls in the business not to work with him.
Ivan, www.iamivan.com responds: You know what's funny Gene. I never have read Christian's blog and never plan on doing so. He has bashed me to others and harassed me online. Constantly. For some reason he has an issue with me not booking him.
Yet he tells everyone he is booked solid, so why bug me over shooting him. I shot him once for Evolution in an Ass Eating scene. He did a great job and I always thought he was a decent performer.
But many girls won't work with him because of his off camera and on camera sexual preferences or work. I never judged the guy in fact defended him because at least he was honest in what he did unlike so many. Yet he took an opportunity to attack me on ADT and tell me he doesn't read my blog. Okay, I don't care. So then he sends me a nasty e-mail attacking me, Anabolic and a few male performers.
He tells me he knows I read his blog and that he works 20 times a week. Then why care if I book him. Why email or text me in the past for work. I responded very professionally to his email and was very polite. I told him I knew of a few girls first hand that he harassed over putting him on their "no" list.
Many agents and directors try not to use him for his attitude and girls not willing to deal with him. But he seems to harass all involved. Many just say it's Christian being Christian, I agree.
I guess it's my turn to be the bad guy in his life. It's cool. At the end of that email I told him any future emails from him I will delete without reading, I am playing he said, she said. So I guess he moved on to other venues. Here is the latest regarding him.
A friend of mine had another friend booked with him. So he texted me to let me know they were shooting her with Christian. I told him she most likely won't work with him because she previously expressed those concerns but to just ask the agent or the girl herself. I guess it did wind up she would not work with him. Christian decides upon himself to assume I had something to do with that. If anything I was trying to save a bad scenario to occur between all three parties.
Then a few days later I get a message on myspace from some profile i think called "Christian Exposed". This person tells me that Christian called me a fat fuck or something and bashed my friend. Yeah I'm fat. But honestly me being fat is just my looks but my reputation is solid with everyone I have ever worked with. With him he obviously works more on his outer then inner person. People ask to work with me not shy away, so oh well ... I'm fat but cool to work with. Good for me.
So I decided to leave it alone and not read the blog as I never do, to not retaliate because that's the game this is. Just move on. Then later I get a myspace message from Christian saying to tell my friend hello. I responded with I will and thanks for being yourself. He responds with what else would I do. So again I sent him a nice response telling him to concentrate on the positives in his life and if he perceives me as a negative don't bother thinking about me, life will be happier with more smiles.
To me I rather deal with real life drama and leave the high school games to others. Gene as you told me and we discussed it in the interview "There is nothing adult about the Adult industry."
#348180 - 07/29/08 12:54 PM
Re: Serious Question
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer
Registered: 01/16/07
Posts: 1166
and thats why Ivan is awesome.... kudos to him.
"You're disgusting, you Caligula-esque mother fucker.
But I like your avatar, so you get a pass. "-Chilledstoli
If you're normal, people will accept you... but if you're DERANGED... they will make you their leader! -Christopher Titus
#348181 - 07/29/08 01:05 PM
Re: Serious Question
Registered: 10/21/05
Posts: 2710
Darren James never had sex with a tranny ever. where do you get that? He caught it from doing an anal creampie with a female performer in brazil.
My bad...I missed out the word 'who'. It should have read:
2) Darren James: Brazil, double anal creampie w/ performer who worked w/ tranny
I believe it was Bianca Biaggi who was the 'bridge' between the two talent pools.
why in this business does shemale=brazil=HIV....i just don't get that equation
Look at the past history of HIV cases in my previous post...Brazil and tranny/shemale are common factors, as are circus acts like double anal and anal creampies. It's not the whole equation, but it is at least half of it. Also, trannies/shemales seem to be synonymous with Brazil (even moreso than with Thailand, it would appear), hence the common association.
#348185 - 07/29/08 02:20 PM
Re: Serious Question
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer
Registered: 01/16/07
Posts: 1166
here is a question for Darrah's logic though.
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- The AIDS epidemic among African-Americans in some parts of the United States is as severe as in parts of Africa, according to a report out Tuesday. "AIDS in America today is a black disease," says Phill Wilson, founder of the Black AIDS institute.
"AIDS in America today is a black disease," says Phill Wilson, founder of the Black AIDS institute.
"Left Behind - Black America: A Neglected Priority in the Global AIDS" is intended to raise awareness and remind the public that the "AIDS epidemic is not over in America, especially not in Black America," says the report, published by the Black AIDS Institute, an HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on African-Americans.
"AIDS in America today is a black disease," says Phill Wilson, founder and CEO of the institute and himself HIV-positive for 20 years. "2006 CDC data tell us that about half of the just over 1 million Americans living with HIV or AIDS are black."
Although black people represent only about one in eight Americans, one in every two people living with HIV in the United States is black, the report notes.
The report uses just-released data from UNAIDS and existing CDC and Census data to highlight grim statistics:
• AIDS remains the leading cause of death among black women between ages 25 and 34. It's the second-leading cause of death in black men 35-44. Explainer: AIDS: A black disease » Don't Miss
* AC 360 Blog: Black, beautiful and HIV positive * Call My Name adds color to the AIDS quilt * In Depth: Black in America
• In Washington, more than 80 percent of HIV cases are among black people, that's one in 20 residents. iReport: AIDS in Washington's older population
"Five percent of the entire population (in DC) is infected... that's comparable to countries like Uganda or South Africa," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN for the recent "Black in America" documentary.
According to this report, if black Americans made up their own country, it would rank above Ethiopia (420,000 to 1,300,000) and below Ivory Coast (750,000) in HIV population. Both Ethiopia and the Ivory Coast are among the 15 nations receiving funds from the President's Emergency Plan For Aids Relief. The United States has given about $15 billion to PEPFAR nations in the past five years. Tell us: What's your experience being black in America?
The Black AIDS Institute says it's not criticizing the federal government for helping poorer countries cope with the AIDS epidemic. Rather, it's saying the "AIDS epidemic [in the U.S.] is not getting the kind attention that it merits." Video Watch more on the new report on AIDS and African-Americans »
"We understand the needs of black folk in Johannesburg (South Africa)," Wilson says. "Why can't we understand the needs of them in Jackson, Mississippi? We understand the needs in Nigeria or Botswana, why not understand the needs of Los Angeles or Oakland?" Video Watch: AIDS in the black community »
Wilson says more needs to be done to prevent the spread of HIV in this country. The report states that the U.S. government "increased spending on HIV prevention, treatment and support programs for low-income countries dramatically, at the same time that domestic remained all but flat."
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, domestic prevention efforts make up the smallest part of the HIV/AIDs budget, the 2009 budget request includes $892 million for domestic HIV prevention efforts, the same as in 2008. iReport.com: Spelman women discuss HIV and AIDS
In this report, Wilson and others urge the federal government and private foundations to significantly increase funding for HIV prevention and treatment programs. The report also calls on international agencies to hold the U.S. government accountable for failure to address HIV/AIDS epidemic in its own country (despite lauding it for its PEPFAR efforts). It also urges black communities in the United States to fight the stigma and overcome prejudice associated with being infected with HIV. Health Library
* MayoClinic.com: HIV-AIDS
"Peggy" found out 10 years ago that she was HIV positive. The fact that she's asked us to not use her real name is an example of the stigma that's still attached to having the virus that causes AIDS, especially in the African-American community.
"I don't really talk to many other people about it, 'cause I guess maybe, they don't want to talk," says the 27-year-old Lake Charles, Louisiana, woman. Others like her, she says, are still too ashamed to admit they have HIV.
Marvelyn Brown, 24, of Washington, is more open about her status. She learned she had HIV when she was only 19, after one time of unprotected sex while in a monogamous relationship.
Brown has told her story in a book, "The Naked Truth, " and to CNN in last week's special report, "Black in America." She regularly addresses community groups, trying to help educate blacks about the risk of of HIV and AIDS.
so... 1 in 2 HIV cases in the US is an african american. should we ban african americans from porn Darrah?
"You're disgusting, you Caligula-esque mother fucker.
But I like your avatar, so you get a pass. "-Chilledstoli
If you're normal, people will accept you... but if you're DERANGED... they will make you their leader! -Christopher Titus
#348190 - 07/29/08 02:43 PM
Re: Serious Question
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
Pictures or it didn't happen.....
Fuck you and die.
#348191 - 07/29/08 02:47 PM
Re: Serious Question
Darrah, I'm not making fun of you here, but I just went through that whole Frontline page and I didn't see any reference to rape, assault or sexual abuse. You sure you're not confusing it with something else?
"The Lost Children of Rockdale County" explores how a 1996 syphilis outbreak in a well-off Atlanta suburb affected over 200 teenagers and revealed their lives unknown to parents: group sex, binge drinking, drugs and violence. Some were as young as twelve and thirteen years old.
#348202 - 07/29/08 02:57 PM
Re: Serious Question
Seems to me that if there was actual (i.e. not statutory) rape, they would have said so from the get go. What I get from skimming the website was a bunch of unsupervised, out of control kids went wild and suffered the consequences.
#348204 - 07/29/08 03:05 PM
Re: Serious Question
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/01/06
Posts: 502
Put down the crackpipe. In the documentary, which I DID watch and so was easily able to refute your meth-addled recollection of same, there was even an interview with a girl named Annie or Amy I think...she was the youngest girl involved then at aged 13. Her father was a police officer and talked with a serious hicksville accent. At any rate, during one of the parties his daughter held while being left alone all weekend (which at age 13 is already pushing it IMHO), someone stole daddy's handgun out of locked safe. The transcript of that part of the interview is even posted, in full, on the website.
Now tell me...don't you think if daddy's little girl had been raped, ESPECIALLY when daddy was a policeman in a small-town in the SOUTH....well, I'm pretty sure some boy would find himself on the receiving end of a brown sugar injection at the local labor camp.
There's a difference between "hearing" and "listening," just like there's a difference between watching and paying attention. You are making shit up in a misguided attempt to lend credence to your arguments, you got called on it. Simple bitch, bend over and take it like.....er.....Christian.
Darrah Ford's family video archives - Father's Day, 1996:
#348205 - 07/29/08 03:09 PM
Re: Serious Question
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Darrah, don't be so quick to jump for the bait.
#348210 - 07/29/08 03:12 PM
Re: Serious Question
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
Darrah, don't be so quick to jump for the bait.
I don't like being called a liar on here all the time and I remember watching that documentary. And these are the same people that argued with me for a day or two saying Randy West hasn't been in porn for 30 years.
#348211 - 07/29/08 03:12 PM
Re: Serious Question
Jesus, even when I'm being nice to you...
#348213 - 07/29/08 03:13 PM
Re: Serious Question
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
Jesus, even when I'm being nice to you...
Overall Jim.
#348215 - 07/29/08 03:14 PM
Re: Serious Question
Human Garbage
Registered: 07/07/08
Posts: 1621
Loc: Hell
#348218 - 07/29/08 03:15 PM
Re: Serious Question
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Darrah, this is XPT, and while it is a somewhat valuable resource for porn information, it is not a warm and fuzzy place, and the more you react to the hazing, the worse they will haze you. Please stop reacting to your antagonists, because their pleasure consists of provoking emotional reactions.
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