

Does another HIV outbreak have to happen again for the industry to open their eyes?

So, in the only instance in well over a decade, one lying tranny-fucker infecting one other person constitutes an outbreak?
I'll put industry stats against the general population anytime. The pw's I fuck are tested routinely, when was the last time your infected ass was tested for anything (including intelligence)?

no shit... and it barely qualifies as an outbreak as few were infected, especially considering the chain of exposure... thus proving how hard it is to actually transmt.. considering Kayla Marie should have logically contracted it if it was easy to do so. not to mention it was quickly contained. The industry handled it just fine... Condoms sometimes fail, testing works, end of story.
"You're disgusting, you Caligula-esque mother fucker. But I like your avatar, so you get a pass. "-Chilledstoli If you're normal, people will accept you... but if you're DERANGED... they will make you their leader! -Christopher Titus