
they're going to pick up on every bumbling trip McCain takes down a grocery aisle from here on out.

I'm pretty sure that the only people who paid attention to that clip are Gunker and elaborator. It doesn't resonate with the public like Ford falling down the stairs, or Bush the Elder not knowing how the checkout line worked.


McCain's touting his "bipartisanship" but that's not what his base wants to hear; it might be realistic given the Dem's control of Congress, but I think turn-out is going to be the big factor on election day. McCain is not going to get the bible thumpers out there, and even then the 1-2% of people who are going to go with Bob Barr or write in Ron Paul are going to further erode him.

So who exactly are the bible-thumpers going to vote for? Obama? Please Stevie. That would be their worst nightmare come true. And they're sure as hell not going to chance it by voting for Barr, or any other fringe candidate. They know what Nader cost Gore in 2000.

Fact is, the die hards on both sides would vote for their respective parties if Pol Pot and Franco were the candidates. This is going to come down to the undecideds, and, with them in mind, this is a smart move.


She also has a son with Down Syndrome...hasn't eight years with one retard in the White House been enough?

Right, because a four-month-old infant has so much influence on affairs of State.