
I cant stop watching it, its gets better everytime I watch it. Like I said I do feel bad for her, and she definitely needs be dragged by her long fucking hair and forced into sometype of help environment, prefereable one where you cant check yourself out of. A closed facility, just to save her life. What a waste, Im sure she isn't a bad girl, but that crack/meth has such a hold on her, meetings and friends will not be enough, she needs like a 9 month program and to go into a sober living home and make meetings all fucking day long. Get out of porn and surround yourself by positive people.

Although some folks I know have wound up becoming junkies, i have zero fucking sympathy for grown , white, normal-IQ, first-world adults who would willingly put that fucking garbage into their bodies. She needs a swift kick in the ass...
"I'll never forget the moment during the lovely Alyssa Allure's scene in 'American Bukkake' where the fellow got out of his wheel chair to ejaculate on her face. It was grotesque but had a certain frisson." -Sock