Now that I am searching my cerebral Archives from childhood for anything remotely pertinent to this theme of cakefarts, I recall the time in 3rd Grade when, during lunch, I traded to the class fat fuck a Hostess Cupcake for a Fred Lynn rookie Baseball card, and the fat fuck kid farted as he sat down to eat the cupcake in 2 bites. I believe he farted because he was so happy, which, givien his size and appetite, him biting into that cupcake was probably as close to an orgasm as an 8 year old 103 pound kid can get. So he farted. LOUD.
Anyone have any "Fruitpie_the_Magician" anecdotes to share?
I once told the story of the time I was in a strip club and some BLACK chick with the most AWESOME tongue ever scooped the cream in a twinkie out with her tongue and gobbled it (with extended cream-filling play) right before my eyes. I tipped her well. Chicks addicted to FD&C 40 and Yellow Dye #5 are fuckin' hot....