rationally pessimistic realist in me says things are going to turn to shit so bad that we may see people revert back to bartering for some basic needs...which leads the jaded crippled pervert in me to ask if this will give whores an advantage, since they no doubt can and will use all their HOLES to get what others will have to give up material assets for...
So, in a barter economy where money is almost valueless, construct a Blowjob conversion rate list for various goods and services. I'll start with a few:
Loaf of Bread (Whole grain, non-organic) = .2 BJs (5 loaves for a blow, 7 loaves with extended cumplay and swallowing)
Coldplay's Next Album = 1 BJ
Sean Piddly Diddler PAul's next fragrance"Emotionally Exhausted/Morally Bankrupt" = 1.5 BJs (the other .5 BJ covers the entire toiletrie set)
New Diswasher = 2 BJs + 1 HJ Security (Handjobs are the new Mortgage Backed Security)
New Car (for arguments sake, any Model) = 5 BJs and a Sno-cone mini-date on Santa Monica Pier
A healthy strong horse (Holly randall Blow Up doll sold seprately) = 9 BJs and 1 Cumfart spectacle (Cumfarts will be the NEw JUNK Bonds....and horses will trump cars because they dont require GAs and all the handjobs that will cost, thus allowing the whore to put all her assets into maximizing her BLOWING potential)
Alan Greenspan will be proud of me if he see's this thread.