Well, the real luke writes on Lukeford.net:
June 20, 2008
I’d Given Up On Myself
Since going back to writing on —- in September of 2002 (because I needed the money), I’ve largely given up on myself.
I just couldn’t see a way that I as an independent writer could earn an honest living.
I faced a choice between honor and doing my own thing and I chose my own thing with a feeling of absolute defeat.
For most of the last six years, this website has been a giant —- you to you-know-who.
I’m a 42-year old child in the way I depend on others to show me the way.
Maybe I’m not dead and buried yet.
Maybe I’m starting a new chapter in my life that doesn’t end with complete annihilation.
My life is not on track. I’m flailing… I’m not married. I’m not on track to be married. I’m not earning a living. I’m not in good standing in my religious community. I’m sick all the time. Blah blah…
Comments on I’d Given Up On Myself »
June 20, 2008
SexyP @ 7:05 pm
I leave you an hour ago and now you’re all doom and gloom and suicidal?? What you do is noble. You’re a ball buster and don’t care who you piss off all for the sake of exposing hypocrisy. You were a giant in one industry and will be again in this industry soon. Just start taking better care of yourself and you’ll start feeling better. And have you started Googling what I told you to Google? Snap to it! Stop thinking you’re dead and buried. You only are if you feel you are.
Look at Kramer on Seinfeld. He was the happiest one of the bunch though he barely had any money and went from job to job. Start watching Seinfeld more and learn from Kramer!
Ok, luke gathers one comment only. Meanwhile, Lukeisback.com has turned very gay.
The last couple of posts, a review of Rambo and some gay porn flick.