I approve Bornyo's post for its creativity.
All of you others need to know that the road of a male porn star is a long and hard one. My luck meanders much like one of my veins that transports blood to my blessed cock. I continue to forge ahead in my career just as my bulbous cock head plows through uncertainty and darkness.

I take your knocks like Knox, with aplomb and dignity. I realize that my international superstardom angers many of you just as Larry Flynt's stand angered Joseph Paul Franklin. Like Mr. Flynt, I would prefer to be hated for what I am than loved for what I am not.

I did not ask for this to be my lot in life. Greatness was thrust upon me. You may not have one iota of comprehension of what it is like to be as God-gifted but I sincerely wish you love, health, and happiness as you secretly worship men who have the courage to pursue their destiny.

I do this for you.

You're welcome.
Your Canadian Idol