
You have paid your dues. At this point you should be looking at quality, not quantity. Learn it, live it, love it. If the average jerk-off (consumer) has to decide how he's going to spend twenty-some bucks a month, he's going for the site with the hotter chicks. By banging Plain-Jane skanks any Joe Blow can pick up in a bar after a twelve-pak, all you are doing is reducing your value, marketability and income.

It's basic business 101...

To continue with this line of reasoning, the average jerk-off probably doesn't know as much about porn as the average XPT poster. You've been around long enough that he's probably heard your name somewhere, though he doesn't know that much about your product. On that basis alone, he decides to give one of your sites a look. He sees quality whores, he needs to look no further and you've cemented the deal. he sees some of the skanks above, his money's going to someone else.