


On page 5 of this thread he writes...."I dont believe in providing food aid to countries that arent "controling their poplulation."

on page 6 he writes...."I think that if developing countries "controlled their population" they would get out of povery faster.

Now if you dont understand ...

I understand full well what he's saying. I also understand that he's not advocating a Chinese-Style one-child per couple policy. Rather, he's against government funding of the offspring. Big difference.

Perhaps you should take some remedial English classes.

Im reading the same thing you are Jim and i dont see any of that here. He has never said what you say he did. Hes talking about population to control to end povery. That is not simply saying, no government funding far far from it nice try though lets see what fatman has to say

nice try backpedalling for him

And SILL no one answers the dirct question I rest my case