
After al, this is the place where people dont think Max Hardcore vidoes are obscene. Talk about denial. You guys crakc me up, youre like the clowns on the bicycle at the circus, always peddling backwards.

I'll tell you what's obscene.

My lady AA friends do it right, they never break a confidence. But they have shared with me in a general way some demons some of the new women face. There is REAL sexual and physical abuse in this community, and no doubt in yours. And I never hear about the non-alcoholic women, the single mothers who struggle because they left an abusive situation. And while resources remain very thin for these abused and forgotten women, the feds spend like drunken sailors to control what some old asshole like me masturbates to. Because there is a consensual depiction of abuse.

That's obscene.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
Fuck 'em all but nine.