So, my question to the good pastor & his wholesome minions of the lawdy god...

Where exactly DO these businesses belong, if not on a stretch of highway where they can attract patrons?

Would they be better suited in a warehouse district, or some dirty old city, a ghetto? Please, suggest. This is the problem with media today. No one ever has a solution other than "close 'em down". My question is "where should we relocate, and are you do-gooders willing to pay the costs associated with moving us (moving, new building, sale of the old one, etc.)?"


But next you say..."I dont believe in providing food aid to countries WHO ARE NOT CONTROLLING THEIR POPULATIONS."

While you worry about a womans right to seek an abortion, you at the sasme time SEEM to advocate that OTHER governments control the very rights that you and I hold so dear in this country, and will kill or die to defend.

I didn't get that out of Fattie's post whatsoever. Showing how differently you read that proves how fucking stupid you are.

I understood it to mean that THEY can fuck like jackrabbits until their balls turn bruise purple. However, WE shouldn't be funding their ignorance of continually producing new mouths to feed. Obviously, hunger is going to be a problem in a country where they are getting pregnant just for the hell of it.

I'd rather they kill themselves off through starvation, maybe than they'd get a fucking clue. By enabling them (with funding for food), they're just useless niggers utilizing the good samaritaism of others like those same parties take advantage of the welfare system within our own borders.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron