
Don't think it is only the religious right who is threatening the first amendment. The bible thumpers are not the ones enacting hate speech laws and free speech "zones" on college campuses. That would be the academia and student governments at these universities and colleges the majority of which are on the completely opposite end of the spectrum from the student body at Bob Jones and Liberty Universities. Just because the porn industry is not liable to be under attack if a Democrat is in the White House does not mean that the First Amendment will not be.

While I oppose the constraints on speech in any academic venue, it's hardly the same. A college campus is not one's own home. It is its own entity. While you're on some one else's "property" there are always limitations.

Still, I find such censorship disgusting.

But, I take solace in the belief that when one stiffles expression, discussion and debate, it is an admission that one's position has less merit.

It's best to permit all views to be expressed and allow those that are invalid to be exposed in the light of day.

Free speech is always under assault from all sides.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink