in no way support the outrageous positions of the political right. I just refuse to call them names and I support their right to free speech. Are obscenity laws absurd? of course they are. But they are in FACT the "law of the land". We need to get those laws changed, and by using the over the top retoric,like, "ALL PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN GOD ARE DANGEROUS', as stated earlier in this thread you do the argument fon favor.
Why does the political right have the power that they do? Because their are alot of them and they VOTE like minded people into office. If as many people felt as assulted by the right as those here think , then vote your like minded people into office and help change things.
The law is the law and the 12 average people(screened by the defense and prosecution) applied the law as they saw it, given the facts presented. While their decision, based on the LAW, may have been correct, it doesnt even pass the smell test when it comes to being morally correct.
If ALL CHRISTIANS ARE DANGEROUS, i guesss that covers about 75% of all americans. I simply dont think that 75% of all americans are dangerous, Sorry if that upsets people.
first GWB was 'owmed; byt the pharmacutical companies,then the insurance companies,then the right wing took control, and then the oilcompanies etc etc etc. Which is it? I'd put my money on the oil companies over th right wing any day.
And by the way, did one single democrat, or libertarian polititian show any support for MAX? Quick answer...NO
I just dont give the right wing as much credit as the extreme left wing does.
To everyone hear who describes the political right as oversealous right wing nutsjobs, how do you describe yourself.......moderate,left of center, or god forbid extreme left wing bleeding liberal socialist(hhillary). And before you even say it, just because you dissent form my opinion I do not think you are insane, perhaps wrong, but not a loonatic nutjob.
Look at all the political name calling these days. Ever see an L.A. Times 2007 a study done by a jounalism student at UCLA showed that derogatory terms describing the political right, outnumbered derogaroty terms desctibing the left by over 250 to one, in articles that appeared on the editorial or commentary page. Kind of like here. One single news outlet could be considered right wing and that is FOX. But if you describe Fox as right wing then I would assume that for the sake of fairness you would describe CNN,NBC ABC,CBS MSNBC, AND EVEN COMEDY NETWORK,as (look out here comes the l word)leftis liberal. Oh yeah, the right has a bunch of radio hosts too. The left doesnt have radio hosts because, according to the ratings, nobody wants to listen to all that whining and name calling for hours at a time.
Now please, let the personal attacks begin.
Edited by misterz (06/07/08 08:23 PM)