

There was not a single juror who could be considered a RIGHT winger.

There was no Christian on the jury?
No one whose kid was in a religious parochial school?
There was no creationists?


You have NO IDEA what these people are.

Being disgusted isn't the issue you complete waste of flesh. Allowing free speech GUARANTEES you will be disgusted. If you can't tolerate being disgusted, you don't merit free speech and should shut up.

I have no problem with OSHA regulating health. I have no problem with California finding porn actors, like mainstream actors, to be employees and not "free lance" when it comes to worker's comp, etc. If providing protection for employees "ruins" the porn industry, TOUGH! Not my issue. Porn will get NO support from me.

I have a problems with people interfering with free speech on any level. We have just gone thru years of being told that if we didn't support this mental midget jeebus freak trying to get revenge for his daddy, you were called a traitor.

That scares me. And, it starts on the fringes and works its way in.

Whether that's Max gagging girls, the battle flag, the Turner Diaries, FOX News or things that don't disgust me ... I oppose any intrusion into free speech. Hell, I even oppose almost every ban on this site.

There is as simple way of not viewing Max's work. Don't buy it.

You have the distinction of being the first person I know of who deserved an ADT ban. You don't believe in free speech, so you shouldn't be entitled to it. You disgusted the people on ADT and got exactly what you would do to Max.

II think your equating all christians as right wing loonies i is as accurat as saying all muslims are fanatatical
terrorists. Its simply not true. Unfortunately for those who share your beliefs, those you disagree with have the same free speech rights as you do.

One might ask, why do they have the right to force their values on us? Thats a good question, but what gives you the right to force YOUR value system on them? Its a two way street.

This supposed bastion of free speech, and you agree with banning someone because they dont agree with you. You just killed any claim you have to free speech. YOU HAVE DONE EXACTLY WHAT THE CHRISIAN RIGHT DOES. YOU NOBETTER THAN THEY ARE