In every mainstream business the laws are defined, and they're not in porn. DVDs are illegal if they're found to be "obscene by community standards"...

Well, what's the definition of "obscene"? Is it fisting? peeing? anal? fake tits? degradation? popshots? What is it exactly so that producers can prevent being arbitrarily arrested?

How about "community"? Could this mean a neighborhood, kind of like a housing plan? A small town? city? state? How about the entire country?

The rules are only defined when they want to prosecute someone and that's not cool in ANY country, let alone one that's supposed to be the "Land of the free".

ALL pornographers, MAx included, are fully aware of the ambiguity in the laws. To define 'community standards' and "obscen" we have juries(selected by both the prosocution and DEFENSE). Is it a perfect system? NO. Its far from it. If your argument is that there should be no obscenity laws, then it is up to you and people who share your views to elect representitives who will change those laws. If your argument is that Max's material is not obscene and does not fit the MILLER TEST, then i would have to ask, If Max's material is not obscen then what is?

And nobody has ever been ARBITRARILY arrested on obscenity charges. Most obscenity charges are bought against the so called 'worst of the worst' which is the exact category that many, even in the adult industry and right here on this board, put Max in.

Put aside the Legal definition(whatever that is) of obscene,and use YOUR OWN JUDGEMENT to answer one question.
Do you think Max's material is obscene?

I think the answer to that question is an absolute yes. Now should it be illegal? Right now it is, like it or not. And for the record I dont like it. Freedom of speech is NOT absolute.(yelling fire in a crowded theatre) Where we draw the line depends on who we elect to office, and if you think DEMOCRATS will change these laws or not enforce them, then, in my opinion, you're wrong. Rememeber it was the democrats who gave us the PMRC and the movie rating system(in order to make decisions FOR YOU, and not let you make that decision yourself)