
The porn buissnes for years has flouted many many laws(unliscend agents,illegal workers form other countries,cash payments{dodging taxes},not to mention complete disregard for any health and safety laws,no workers comp insurance.

My issue is free speech.

So, on these points I won't support them. Who would?

Most porn producers seems to be scumbags and felons. This community loves to attack Gigi's "boyfriend" because he's a registered sex offender. Another prominent one I won't mention is a convicted felon. And, I'm still sure one who committed suicide had something to do with his newlywed's demise.

If they are in violation of employment laws, tax laws, et. al., that everyone else has to follow, they should be hammered for it.

That's not free speech. And, I won't sympathize with them.

I HATE Max's work.

If you are familiar with my porn "likes", imagine how bad it has to be for me not to like teeny bopper porn. I wouldn't notice if Max went out of business.

But, convicting Max just threatened MY free speech.

How can you know in advance that a community finds something offensive? And why should a community decide what I can and cannot watch? Where do "community standards" end?

The law is unjust. And, the verdict needs to be overturned.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink