The whole thing is just so retarded to me. We're the only legal industry who has to deal with this kind of bullshit from our own government. Unreal.

Every single industry has to put up with bullshit from the gov. The FACT is, like it or not, there are laws on the books regarding obscenity, and like it or not, Max's product is in violation of those laws, as evidenced by the guilty verdicts.

The porn buissnes for years has flouted many many laws(unliscend agents,illegal workers form other countries,cash payments{dodging taxes},not to mention complete disregard for any health and safety laws,no workers comp insurance.

It is time for the ADULT industry to grow up and do something other that whine and complain about how persecuted they are. If you want to disregard the law and play with fire then dont complain when you get burned.

Should there be laws against obscene material, I dont know. But the fact is there are laws, and Max's material is in violation of those laws. If you dont like it, then do something about it.

And regarding the post that seems to justify jury nullification, that is a very dangerous, and slippery slope my friend. Juror independence can be much more dangerous to an innocent person, than helpful to someone who is guily but hoping the jury will "let him off" because they dont like the law. Some would say this is what the Max jury did. They ignored that Jaded sent the videos and convicted Max anyway. Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.