The material definitely is not valuable on its own.

A buildup is not what I intended and the subsequent "letdown" was anticipated.

Word processing is not something I am very familiar with and thus I removed the timestamps, which would not only give away the time between entries, but also the timezone I am situated in for old man river to compare with his version of the stuff, while reading the whole material, which has its own appeal. This is time-consuming.

So, if the general reaction is one ranging from "lame" to "worst shit ever", I will not waste any more time doing the routine described above to wade through transcripts of chats of several hours.

If, however, there is interest expressed regarding a special topic and someone feels like sharing and explaining the wildcard feature Bornyo mentioned in Wordpad or Notepad, there might be some stuff I can dig up.

I do not really blame anyone for not liking the idea and content.

What I find strange is the inability or unwillingness to read my posts in this thread in order to get a grasp of what I intended to do with it and then complain about where the fun was lost.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts. The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers. Fuck this shit.