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#329674 - 05/20/08 06:12 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Here it is.
Trash it.
And remember to make comments which call it gay, lame, a waste of life and all the rest.
Wed, Jan 30, 2008
old man river: hello
Care Less: Test, test, 1,2,3? old man river: It does seem to be working, that is good.
Care Less: That sounds all right. old man river: Hope the day finds you in good spirits Care Less: More more than less. old man river: good, sorry to hear about the banishment. Care Less: Being banned is not that difficult to deal with. They are a strange bunch over there, that is all. old man river: yes, they are Not sure if your ban is temporary or permanent
If you want, I can find out Care Less: Permanent, I would say. I will live on.
old man river: I am guessing so as well. Usually if it is temporary, the avatar appears in a jail with the release date listed Care Less: What an image.
old man river: yep, though it shouldn't surprise given the overall tone of the place I am just surprised that it is not something of a sexual nature
Care Less: Sure. old man river: I know you said that eleventh moon was just a throwaway name but it still intrigues me nonetheless
Care Less: It does? old man river: idiosyncratic Care Less: How so?
old man river: if you peruse the list of users at xpt (and you still can I believe), you will see that most are trite
Big Dick 69 Pussylover Faggot H8ter Care Less: All the good important matters.
old man river: Of course, so people immediately know who you are, what you stand for and what you want your world to look like
Care Less: A telling name indeed.
old man river: there is something to be said for clarity, I guess. Yours, on the other hand, suggests a certain ambiguity In that it suggests mythology or something potentially mythical
religious or spiritual and also a concept present in a variety of religions and cultures
Needless to say, the porn denizens do not appreciate such concepts
What are you composing?
Care Less: I someow doiubt that. Pornography is just a burdened form of entertainment, a good. Many people get entertained by it - those having a life beyond what they consume included. [Interruption: If you have any ability to enjoy various forms of electronically generated music, head ove to somafm.com. "Groove Salad" sounds good to me right now.]
old man river: I checked it out previously. I saw the link you posted in the Music thread. Did not have enough time to explore but will when I have time later tonight.
Care Less: They play good stuff there. No commercial breaks.
old man river: ok will click on the link, hope this does not disconnect the chat
Having some delay and difficulty getting it to play For some reason, I thought you would enjoy the Sisters of Mercy
Care Less: I enjoy a lot, but that formation is unknown to me. old man river: That formation? um okay Care Less: That. group, if you prefer.
old man river: I have no preferences, just curious at your choice of words Care Less: Why exactly?
old man river: Well it is not common The connotation is discordant formation, to me, suggests structure or regimentation
rock and roll suggests otherwise Care Less: Understood abstractly, it makes sense to me.
old man river: it makes sense to me as well it just requires a modulation of frequency
Care Less: That, on the other hand... old man river: yes?
Care Less: ...lets me picture technological equipment.
old man river: ahh, of course and i use it to suggest an active listening process or "Prick up your ears" as jthe english would say
Care Less: The English, they are a funny people?
old man river: It depends on who you ask. The Irish would probably say no. Irish catholics, that is
Care Less: That topic bored me in school already. old man river: most topics in school are boring Care Less: Definitely.
old man river: this is not helped by the manner in which they are taught
Care Less: Scholastic knowledge is mediated strangely.
old man river: a melange of politics, religion and everything else that doesn't belong in the stew
Care Less: The stew is foul, rotten even.
old man river: I've always thought of prototypical cafeteria food as appropriately symbolic food for the body, food for the mind soylent green
Care Less: A classic.
old man river: I wonder if Heston consumed any of the stuff, hence his degeneration into NRA firebrand
Care Less: Maybe it just was the money. old man river: maybe it was the disappearance of decent roles or the allocation to other older performers Care Less: Possibly.
old man river: he needed a stage and an audience many actors do Care Less: I do not blame them. old man river: why is that
Care Less: They might feel underachieving otherwise. old man river: Maybe
then again, he appears to actually believe what he says However, given his age, he might not know or remember what he says
Care Less: Or he indeed is a fervant believer. For the cause. old man river: they are strangely quiet this year
at least on the various campaign trails Care Less: Elections are funny matters.
old man river: I find it difficult to believe that no one on the far Right has suggested that arming oneself is the most effective defense against terrorism
Instead of Willie Horton, you could use clips from 24 to demonstrate the usefulness of torture the need for personal firearms
Care Less: Primetime television has its amusing moments, when government policy finds its way into the scripts.
old man river: and it sometimes isn't an accident Care Less: Probably not. old man river: Then again, I often find that Fox news (cable) is among the more amusing comedies
Care Less: Due to their famed impartial spirit? old man river: ha ha ha
fair and balanced attempting to be serious is occasionally more humorous than attempting to be funny
Care Less: In case of their lost cause at least.
old man river: And just like xpt expressed a longing for you to be Sasha Grey, they are longing for Hillary Clinton to be the next president Care Less: Do you think the motives differ?
old man river: not significantly Care Less: PILF? old man river: ha ha ha Now would the P stand for president or performer?
Care Less: According to what you wrote that would be an insignificant detail.
old man river: well they seem to inhabit similar places in the male mind I am unsure given my lack of insider status LOL
I am not affiliated with the business in any way Nor am I an avid consumer But both seem to strike a chord amongst the same demographic and it isn't a good chord it would appear
Care Less: Wanting to have sex, if that is what is meant, with Sasha Grey or Hillary Clinton is somehow understandable. It gets strange where it is desired at the same time, thus simultaneously, I think.
old man river: Umm no but that is an interesting take on the subject I was referring to men reacting similarly to women with intellectual aspirations
BTW, it is difficult to detect your inferences at times so please pardon me if I misconstrue your point
Care Less: How is that?
old man river: Well, you can be mildly obtuse. And I often discern sarcasm but as I don't know you at all nor am I accustomed to your individual sense of humor, I may interpret your statements differently than how you intended them to be understood
Care Less: Do you care to elaborate on the obtuse parts?
old man river: Not if it offends you just kidding Maybe tangential would be more accurate
Care Less: I see.
old man river: uh oh Care Less: "Uh oh"?
old man river: I would prefer not to anger if that doesn't sound too weak and spineless, though it probably does
by tangential, I meant that your responses can sometimes diverge in nature and tone from what I have said just before
by obtuse, I meant that your responses can be cryptic, maybe unintentionally so, and that various meanings can be delineated Care Less: I understand.
old man river: it also doesn't help that I am typing very quickly while you may not be so prolific. Then again, that may be due to the fact that you are concise and economical with your comments while I splatter the room
Care Less: I try to get my spelling right.
old man river: and for that you are to be commended. more people should do so in my opinion LOL
If I may be so bold as to drastically change subjects ... Care Less: Do so.
old man river: Could you please tell me what is so inflammatory about Sasha Grey? Is it just some perceived intellectualism I must confess that other than the link you sent, I am not familiar with her work
Care Less: Confessional intentions? I will do so in kind: She does a lot of the allegedly kinky stuff, has a - as I wrote several times on XPT - contrivedly vocal performance and went to some panel and The Tyra Banks Show. Not fitting into the cliché of dumb fuck meat entirely might evoke anger in the audience.
old man river: Confessional Intentions? That sounds like some late night cable movie starring Shannon Tweed. I have seen pictures on the internet but not her movies
Care Less: Of Shannon Tweed, whoever that is, or of Sashy Grey?
old man river: shannon tweed, sorry about that obscure cultural reference I guess anyway, what I meant earlier is that she seems to have evoked a particularly strong response from the xpt crowd
I clicked on the link for attention whore and that was equally vitriolic
Dumb fuck meat sounds like a porno title, please tell me it is not
Care Less: I doubt it. MaxHardcore called one of his part-time-co-workers so, if I am correct.
old man river: And because of your posts, people think it is you. Okay. I repeated the sentiment based on your responses to the allegations, if that is the right term
Care Less: Delusional trolling of tormented minds maybe.
old man river: Versus premeditated trolling of curious minds ... Care Less: Exactly.
old man river: and what conclusions, if any, did you come to?
Care Less: So far it just seems that Sasha Grey has a solid fanbase.
old man river: and that is a good thing I presume Care Less: For her, yes.
old man river: even if this fanbase consists of anti-intellectual trogolodytes ...
Care Less: She is probably in it for the money. Money is good. old man river: or so they say
this is where the term whore becomes commonplace though some would embrace this term rather than consider it pejorative
Where do you fit in all of this?
Care Less: Nowhere, really. But that an online presence of a forum can work as a screen is interesting to me. old man river: a screen for what? and for whom?
Care Less: A screen for the troll projecting what is most close at hand in his/her/its mind. old man river: oh my Care Less: Keep going. old man river: unsure how to proceed in all honesty
Care Less: Write about it.
old man river: an impulse, quickly suppressed or repressed, never can remember the difference
would it be possible to change the subject? Care Less: That is what I would have suggested next. old man river: i am uncomfortable with my thoughts at the moment
Care Less: Why? Are they too private to mention? old man river: not necessarily
Care Less: Then go ahead. old man river: but they place me with those i disassociate from
i am wondering about your true nature and your identity I would rather not Care Less: Why? old man river: it places me in a categorizable position
and you in clear power Care Less: How would that work? old man river: you have what I want and I have no way of taking it from you
Care Less: What is it you want? old man river: good question
the simple and superficial answer is your identity but that is not exactly the truth
in that my interest is predicated on the possibility that you could be sasha grey if you are someone else, someone obscure, or even a 77 yo man, your identity is meaningless to me or at least carries much less significance and that makes me a fanboy or is it fanboi or whatever the term may be
more importantly, it makes me one of them one who is possibly subject to your trolling
and thus in a position of weakness
Care Less: Strange. What would you think if I in fact were Sasha Grey?
old man river: i would not think, that is the problem
Care Less: Do you desire her? Is that too personal a question to ask?
old man river: i am afraid that my answer would be yes, I am afraid of my answer actually
Care Less: Why? old man river: i prefer to be in control of myself, of my feelings to a large extent
i prefer not to cede this to others as I have to you somewhat
Care Less: While I do not know the validity of the following, I will make an assumption: You seem to have some affection towards Sasha Grey, as she is sexually desirable for you and you seem to be uncomfortable with this. Trust your drive.
old man river: your assumption is valid
Care Less: So when asking yourself why you are afraid that this is he case, what comes to mind besides the topic of control?
old man river: control in two areas. the first being me relative to you. the second being within myself. That is, maintaining some semblance of control over my impulses/urges it is the latter that frightens me more
you are somewhere else, communicating via wires. I am here with myself, there is no possiblity of avoidance
Care Less: Understandable. If you desire a young woman, then this seems all right to me. What about you? old man river: i concur
Care Less: Then you should not be afraid of anything.
old man river: You are right, I should not. But I am ...
Care Less: Strange obscurity?
old man river: I don't know if your message was truncated or not strange obscurity is all I see Care Less: That is all I wrote. old man river: what do you mean by that
Care Less: The paradox of your being confident and afraid simultaneously, not knowing the cause and trying to motivate you to clarify in order to understand better.
old man river: i am confident? just noticing that I am not using upper case as much
Care Less: Confident with desiring a young woman sexually. old man river: Christ you cut to the bone
There are several factors behind this I would rather not get into them at this time
Care Less: Understandable. I did not intend to be too curious and wanted to be concise and specific.
old man river: No need to apologize for curiousity, I am more than happy to discuss it when my nerves settle
Care Less: You are still nervous then? old man river: yes I would like to know
Care Less: What would you like to know? old man river: Your earlier implication was that you are Sasha Grey...
Care Less: You would like to know whether I am her? old man river: yes Care Less: What do you think?
old man river: I believe so Care Less: Why? old man river: You implied this earlier
Care Less: You wrote that that would put you into the same corner as the denying XPT fanbase.
old man river: that is correct, which is why I stated that i was uncomfortable with my thoughts at the moment
but they are there and in acknowledging them, recognized a painful truth about myself
Care Less: Further above, you stated your lack of insider status regarding the male mind. Does that painful truth might have anything to do with that or even derive from ther? Curious and nosy I am.
old man river: I'm sorry, I meant lack of insider status regarding the industry. The male mind I am familiar with. Curious and nosy you are Care Less: Indeed.
old man river: I am curious and nosy myself
and awaiting an answer
Care Less: What is it you would ask Sasha Grey if I was her?
old man river: I would ask why she is so evasive when asked questions about her identity
Care Less: Maybe she would point out your being curious and nosy. old man river: but that has already been acknowledged ...
Care Less: And you would like to know for sure now, once and for all, I presume. But what would it change in this chat, considering if I was her I possibly would just make something up, maintaining a personal life that is private and apart from the screen name, the industry?
old man river: I am aware of that possibility.
Care Less: And still awaiting an answer? old man river: yes Care Less: I am not her. old man river: I will take you at your word
Care Less: You should. old man river: so then who are you? LOL
Care Less: Mind Ltd., eleventh_moon, did you forget? old man river: touche Care Less: Touché? old man river: clever response
Care Less: I actually did not know what you meant writing touché. old man river: i know
I shall reciprocate and go even further
I am a psychiatrist. As I type this, I am sitting in my office overlooking Los Angeles. There are no more clients and my staff have long since returned home I hope this clarifies some of my earlier statements or puts them into perspective
Care Less: Not exactly, as I do not see any correlation between what you wrote and what you say your profession is. old man river: Ok, I hope you have time since this will be lengthy
Care Less: Sure. old man river: If I use clinical terms which require definition, feel free to ask Care Less: I will.
old man river: In this profession, inhibition of personal desire is paramount. One could argue that psychiatrists are naturally predisposed to this behavior which is then cultivated through training
The dominance of the Superego and Ego over the ID Care Less: The ID?
old man river: The Id is one's subconcious urges and impulses. Freud postulated that this took the form of the twin drives of sex and aggression and interpreted dreams along those lines Well he interpreted many things along those lines.
The ego is the defense mechanism which allows us to cope with inner anxiety which results from the clash between the id and the superego Superego is the conscience to put it in layman's terms
It dictates what is right and moral and suppressed the ID. Needless to say, the ID and the Superego are in constant conflict on a daily basis.
So much of what we want, we cannot have or even pursue for a variety of reasons, be they legal, financial, social, religious or moral
I want this candy bar but I know it is bad for me I want to steal this money but that is a sin I want to drive faster than the speed limit but that is illegal
How those conflicts are resolved is up to the ego Those with Mature or Advanced defense mechanisms, which is the majority of people, do so with minimal disruption to their lives.
Those without, end up seeing me Well, that is not entirely accurate as I have chosen a different career parth so I no longer practice therapy or analysis
Examples of people without adequate defense mechanisms are sociopaths
Go to any jail and you will find someone who was unable to adequately reconcile the two. Or they simply lacked a superego.
Or their defense mechanisms were primitive. Still there? Care Less: Yes. old man river: good
Examples of Primitive mechanisms include acting out.
In the case of a sociopath, for example, feeling anger towards someone else leads to an act of violence If someone cuts me off in traffic, I may be upset, may swear but that is usually it. I am angry. My urge is to reciprocate the behavior or worse My superego says it is wrong to do so Or that it is illegal
Or that it could lead to more violence and me getting shot Basically it says no
Now there is conflict because I am angry and there is inner conflict between these two parts. The ego then regulates this to discharge the inner anxiety and hopefully in a way that is acceptable So in my case, I may swear.
A more primitive defense, as stated before, is acting out. Road rage in many cases. And by doing so, you have successfully discharged the that same anxiety. I hope this made sense Care Less: More more than less. old man river: I like that phrase, by the way
Care Less: A creation of my own. old man river: We should all create phrases of our own Anyway, another example would be the borderling Oops, make that borderline
The Porn industry, and the entertainment industry overall, is inundated with them
Care Less: A slip and an icon? And do you tend to look around XPT for professional reasons as well?
old man river: A slip and an icon? Not exactly. It has been a long day. I have gotten 15 hours of sleep total over the past three days. I had to visit a patient who wanted to kill me and I am typing in the dark in my office.
type faster
seriously Care Less: That explains it adequately. So, does filtering XPT stimulate you professionally? And why the rush? old man river: This is how I normally type sorry
Yes, xpt serves that purpose to a certain extent. I appreciate some of the humor. Fatman is cool in my book. As far as I am concerned, I am chatting with Sasha Grey hahaha well not her exactly that is an artistic persona
but there is a real person behind the creation her name has been bandied about the Net to her consternation and if you are her, fine if not, fine Care Less: The latter.
old man river: of course Like I said earlier, I take you at your word I do believe you are female and that you are young
Care Less: Where does this assumption stem from? old man river: clinical experience I do this for a living
I also do this for my own intellectual stimulation, edification and entertainment I never stop It can be a problem for those around me Care Less: How so? old man river: It is how I process the world Care Less: Exclusively? old man river: They would rather not think all the time if at all no not exclusively
alcohol and pot change the equation as does sex or at least an orgasm
Which is where you come in, no pun intended Care Less: Please elaborate.
old man river: My ego is highly developed. That is often the case for psychiatrists. So when my defenses are breached, that is disconcerting to say the least I am fine now and I do not anticipate it happening again
Care Less: You do not anticipate what happening again? old man river: My defenses being breached Being in a vulnerable or weak position
Care Less: Were your defenses breached, you in a vulnerable position during this chat? old man river: It appears that you are asking this question with a straight face ... so I will answer it truthfully
yes, of coure I stated so specifically
Care Less: Where you considered the possibility of me being a young desirable woman. old man river: No, Sasha Grey, there is a difference, apparently
Care Less: Where you considered the possibility of me being the young desirable woman acting as the persona Sasha Grey then?
old man river: no, sasha grey Care Less: Please explain. old man river: I am not sure what the confusion is over
I will say this I work with young desirable woman less now than before they have hit on me
OOOPS that sounds like Borat
Care Less: You work with a desirable woman or with several desirable women. I guess the letter. Spelling is crucial here. old man river: it varies right now, just a few some are colleagues some are clients Care Less: As it is in my last entry, but whatever.
old man river: So I work with them, great. They hit on me, great I do not reciprocate
My superego says no to my id and the ego discharges the anxiety easy enough In your case, however, I was not quite prepared and had my guard down
To be more specific, I enjoyed our banter on the boards.
There was also the sophomoric thrill of flirting you in an odd way in front of everyone. I did not really consider the thought of your identity until later. But even then, I could easily compartmentalize and think of you as this persona
The difference now is that I suddenly felt that I was talking to Marina Ann Hantzis
Care Less: Who would be who? old man river: Apparently that is her real name I am not sure of the spelling, I just googled it
Care Less: But you do not think so now? old man river: I am not going to allow myself to pursue that idea. But nice try anyway
Care Less: I did not try anything. I wanted to know if your drive wanted to get your attention again. old man river: It ALWAYS wants to get my attention.
Your Id does not take a vacation This is a constant process Care Less: I wanted to know if it succeeded. old man river: please don't Care Less: All right. I will stop. old man river: I may not be as strong as I would like to be ... Care Less: Your I being your regulative element.
old man river: no my ego does that and there is such a thing as projection in that what I want to be I think actually is I have no proof that you could have been sasha grey
but since I wanted it to be true, I thought it to be true Think WMDs in Iraq
Care Less: Perception-based definitions of reality are not mediated propaganda, I guess.
old man river: To answer your earlier question, if you were Sasha Grey, I would ask if I could speak to you as Marina. And I say that for professional as much as for personal reasons ...
Care Less: Would you consider the possibility of Sasha Grey being more than a screen persona, thus some form of added seperate entity in her mind completely off course or would that rather feed your professional and personal interest?
old man river: I consider Sasha Grey to be more than a screen persona, that should be abundantly clear with half a brain. Artistic personas as such are not crafted from nothing. They are expressions of someone's vision and thus say something about the creator. I think this is what you were asking. oops that did not come out right, sorry
by added separate entity, are you referring to multiple personality disorder
Care Less: But is it not even more interestin if it "did not come out right", less filtered? And yes, that is what I alluded to.
old man river: I am sorry but which one are you alluding to
feel free to answer that question LOL Ok then
I will use this opportunity to get my jacket on and clean up around here. I do need to go home eventually. I have a dog and a cat to feed and provide with a modicum of attention And i need to shower.
If you want, we can resume this conversation in an hour or so.
or tomorrow night
Care Less: In an hour sounds good. Meanwhile, water the cat and dog, then pet the plants. old man river: hahaha ok will do talk to you later umm trying to think of a name for you
mindltd? mp no Eleventh moon? No for lack of alternatives, I should call you ...
Care Less: What about your personal Sasha Grey of mind? Or in mind.
old man river: Ok, talk to you later Sasha Grey in mind
type faster dammit, I want to go home and eat dinner LOL Care Less: Until then. But how does this work with logging off and such? old man river: just hit the x in the right hand corner
yeesh and I thought I was a Luddite when it came to technology Care Less: That is no way to treat a lady. old man river: so you acknowledge that you are female, ok this is progress ...
Care Less: Progress in what? Is this some form of online interrogation?
old man river: I believe it is, but who is really questioning and who is really answering ... Care Less: And who wants to know? old man river: I think we both do ...
Care Less: Let us think about this further after the plants got some haptic attention. old man river: ha ha ha
but my pets are not getting a tantric component from me
Care Less: Ask them from time to time. As long as it is consensual... old man river: it is never consensual, at least according to Dan Savage
Care Less: I will look him up. old man river: And would this be some of the "kinky" things that Sasha Grey did? Look up Savage Love, I can't believe you haven't heard of him ..
Care Less: I actually did not. Bestiality, as they call it, is not part of Sasha Grey´s kink, according to her on-screen time on The Tyra Banks Show.
At least I think so. old man river: as long as you are typing, I cannot bring myself to leave this computer
as Englebert Humperdinck would say "Release Me and let Me go" Yeah I am quoting englebert humperdinck at least i think so love it
are you at a computer or are you typing this out on a Blackberry Care Less: Should I stop in order to let your drive not rendering you anti-social, I mean, your pets are at stake here.
old man river: yes, that would be kind and considerate of you Sasha Grey in my mind
Care Less: I will do that now. Be gentle with the consensuality though. old man river: i shall use plenty of lube ... Care Less: Good boy.
old man river: Shall I hit the x or would like the honor
Care Less: That formulated strangely and thus really inappropriate as a potential last sentence.
"is" is missing
[Here is a pause of about an hour.]
old man river: Ok I am back and ready for round two
Care Less: You realize this no boxing match? old man river: yes I do
I am not a fighter by nature even when someone is trying to kill me
Care Less: Like that one patient. old man river: several actually it is an occupational hazard
just this afternoon, I drove out to Lawndale to inject a patient who had been threatening to kill me for the past week
(I am presuming you know about Lawndale) Care Less: You presume incorrectly. With what did you inject him?
old man river: Haloperidol Decanoate Care Less: What does it do? old man river: It is an long-lasting antipsychotic
Care Less: Fun for a whole week? old man river: a month
it is suspended in a sesame oil based solution which is stored in fat and then slowly released into the bloodstream over the course of a month
Care Less: I see. Although your positions on pharmaceuticals and Scientology might be really interesting, honestly, do you have anything else to write about? old man river: anything else?
Care Less: A topic besides the two complexes. old man river: of course, I will follow your lead
Care Less: Do you think Sasha Grey likes to dominate her sex partners privately? old man river: hahaha
I think it depends on the partner and it depends on the sex Care Less: Would you like to be dominated by her that way? old man river: I think I already have ...
Care Less: Syntax? old man river: I believe that i have been dominated by her sexually ...
Care Less: I mean the haptic component. old man river: Well I have perused some of her pictures and on film, she seems to be dominated
In her private life, I can imagine the opposite
I can be submissive yes, I would like to explore that with her
Care Less: You can imagine the opposite due to your being able to be submissive? old man river: No, I can imagine her private life is the opposite of her public persona. As much as her performances are just that, I can also see them as an expression or presentation of an artistic persona and that could also reflect certain fantasies
Care Less: Regarding my last question: No correlation? old man river: oh, interesting quite possible i did not think of it as a projection on my part but you are probably correct
Care Less: Not everything is a projection. You can see it differently as well. old man river: true
Care Less: Cause and effect might be interchangeable.
old man river: yes, but when I said I can be submissive, i meant to say that i usually am
But now that i am indulging myself, yes I would definitely like to be dominated by her But my definition of domination is quite tame
Care Less: No Gag Factor in your bedroom then. old man river: Gag Factor? Probably not LOL Care Less: Throating, much saliva. old man river: Oh I am not opposed to that
Does Sasha practice Gag Factoring? Care Less: Look her up on iafd.com for all your future needs.
old man river: do you practice gag factoring? or do I need to look at iafd.com for that as well Care Less: I do not. I do not even know whether I was right in describing it.
old man river: do you like to dominate Care Less: Not really. old man river: do you like to be dominated
Care Less: Not especially. old man river: closer to my tastes i see
Care Less: Why would that be of importance? old man river: I am nosy and curious ...
Care Less: Definitely. old man river: as are you
Care Less: So, pet or plant love? old man river: Fed both the dog and cat and they are busy munching away maybe i should get a rabbit LOL
Care Less: They come indifferent sizes for a tight fit, I hear.
The space bar failed me miserably. old man river: yeah, completely screwed up your joke
I am a fur man anyway cute fuzzy wabbit fur
Care Less: Bunny rabbit, Bobby Peru, Wild At Heart? What is a wabbit? old man river: Elmer Fudd Care Less: Elmer Fudd?
old man river: Bugs Bunny - Kill da wabbit! Kill da wabbit! Care Less: I see. old man river: Sorry, another obscure reference
I will confine them to porn in the future Care Less: You do not have to.
But who or what is Elmer Fudd? old man river: He is the man who was always after Bugs Bunny. He spoke with a funny accent and was unable to pronounce the letter r he used w instead
Care Less: Cartoons can be really awful. old man river: yes they can
but not when rabbits are involved. Bugs always beat Elmer. He wore flannel itchy flannel it seemed predated grunge by decades
So if you were to meet sasha grey, what would you say to her or ceara lynch for that matter
Care Less: Ceara Lynch looks quite attractive body-wise. Her face, too, but on some photo on XPT she looked not that good. Saying anything was not my plan.
old man river: I haven't seen a bad photos of her and what was your plan? Care Less: One stood out. old man river: you should tell her that Care Less: I did not have one. old man river: I hope I am not talking to some undercover cop working with Dateline Investigative Reports Care Less: I am Chris Hansen´s secretary. old man river: well as long as you are not Chris Hansen, that is cool creepy fucker
Care Less: Oh, would you like me to join in and call you names now? After all, you said you tend be rather submissive by default.
old man river: sure but i meant creepy fucker to be hansen not you Care Less: I see. Or: Good ejection.
old man river: that sounds like a porn term current slang for a money shot Care Less: Jets. old man river: oh that makes complete sense
Care Less: More more than less? old man river: exactly so if you are jets, can I be sharks
reference to West Side Story - Leonard Bernstein sorry
Care Less: Let it out. old man river: i am trying, believe me, i am trying Care Less: The drive again?
old man river: i am officially lost now
Do you know Holly Randall? Care Less: I never had sex with her.
old man river: Well, you should and then pass along all the details so I can live vicariously through you I want to know what it is like to be Luke Ford
Care Less: Levitra and honey in the fridge next to the bed?
old man river: Oh I am a Cialis man all the way. The use a football in their ads you know. Now that is a product that i am going to buy
I prefer Mayo to honey Care Less: Cialis? old man river: same thing as levitra and viagra
but with an ad where a guy throws a football through a hanging tire they run it during football games
Care Less: Not exactly, chemically almost. Patents, I assume. old man river: of course
but the important thing is that there is a football thrown through a hanging tire in their ads Care Less: Meeting, going home, homerun?
old man river: now that is obtuse. I know it is late and I am sleepy but that is obtuse. Like mid-90's Godard obtuse And I have no idea Cialis In all honesty, I have never used them
Not that I am opposed to them but I am not anywhere near that age and stay in good shape Care Less: Sure. Noone buys the kinky stuff.
old man river: they do all the time, I peruse the stores from time to time
If i need it, trust me I will use it Care Less: The advertisement seems obtuse indeed. I just tried to visualize what you described.
old man river: Oh the ad is anything but obtuse. It features this middle aged guy throwing a football through a tire. The symbolism is difficult to miss.
Care Less: Geniuses at work in the concept phase?
old man river: I would say so. Probably the same people who thought that having blondes in bikinis would sell beer
Care Less: They do not have to, they are blonde anyway.
old man river: do not have to what i presume wear bikinis
Care Less: Sell or promote to buy. Bikinis are obsolete for sure. old man river: to be replaced by_______________
Care Less: Who signs the not so dotted line?
old man river: it is a fill in the blank but i can see how easy it is to mistake the two next time i will try multiple choice Care Less: So. To be replaced by nothingness.
old man river: well they are blondes right? This is just the next step i guess remove everything except the breasts
and you can take those out too and replace them with unadorned silicone sacs Care Less: Really?
old man river: i think that is what sasha grey would suggest Brechtian theater brought to the Advertising World
Care Less: Well. Blondes like to suck and fuck and swallow. old man river: Bertolt Brecht reference, sorry
Are you blonde? don't answer that
Care Less: To keep the fantasy alive? Why that? old man river: it was a crude comment on my part but i can't go back and edit or erase once posted
oh wait, you're the one who said suck fuck and swallow
[There seems to be something missing here.]
all i said was blondes
Care Less: It is common knowledge that blondes like to suck and fuck and swallow, that is all. old man river: as compared to other hair colors? I never knew that. Okay then, feel free to answer my question then Can you tell that I am getting a little sleepy?
Care Less: Horny I would have assumed. old man river: much hornier before
Care Less: You were much hornier before or are much hornier than before? old man river: much hornier before I was also more articulate
we have been chatting for over 5 hours Care Less: Matters occur.
old man river: Is that the new David Sedaris novel?
Care Less: I am at no liberty to disclose specific information at this time. old man river: what are you at liberty to disclose?
Care Less: Nothing. He would sue me pennyless.
old man river: AHA! So you are saying that you have pennies! Interesting, the plot thickens ...
Care Less: It could also be an allusion to a possible relationship with Penny Flame. old man river: Penny Flame? Oh great, now my head is hurting Is this a famous performer?
Care Less: Breasts from far out there.
old man river: Far out there? Like space? Cool. So she does the sci-fi porn,does she?
Care Less: No. She is a pot head. Check her out at pornstarbook.com/main.shtml, scrolling down to the alphabetic list.
old man river: will do later. Is that a niche as well, pot porn? I can't imagine a male perfomer being able to take care of business while high I presume it is safe to say the you are not Penny Flame Care Less: Congratulations.
old man river: 1 down, 999,999 to go sorry for being so trite
and focused I should playing the game but damn a 5 1/2 hour chat and I am posting at higher clip, no pun intended
and I do need to get up early tomorrow
Care Less: Poetry coming up? old man river: Giving a lecture on obstructive sleep apnea, then drive out across so cal to give two more injections, check out a new referral who's in an inpatient psych ward, then a family meeting, and if there is time left over, search Long Beach skid row for a missing client who just came out of a comablah blah blah
the guy was near brain death, all of a sudden he regains consciousness and then is discharged soon after but not psychiatrically stable,
great fucking job there Care Less: The envy imbues me.
old man river: i do love what i do but sometimes burns me out oh and while i am at the hospital, i have to check in on another client who tried to kill me
while i am still young if you don't mind Care Less: But what do you do exactly? Altering minds chemically and psychologically? Your fanbase, as opposed to Sasha Grey´s, seems to be spread thin is some instances.
old man river: good question, what do I do. save lives supposedly
Care Less: Sure. old man river: spread thin is more accurate than you imagine Care Less: How so?
old man river: I would rather talk about you than me Care Less: How predictable.
old man river: go figure Care Less: Figure what? old man river: before i say anything rude, I should probably retire for the night
Care Less: Bad idea. What would it be that could be rude? old man river: the same old questions about you but phrased in a more vulgar fashion
Care Less: Make an example, please. old man river: i would rather not offend you
Care Less: I will not be offended, I assure you that. Go ahead. old man river: Please tell me your name LOL
Care Less: I am still suspicious. old man river: of what
Care Less: What type of questions you would pose and why thea might be offensive.
old man river: I just posed a question! It is offensive simply because it lacks all tact and courtesy
If you were thinking sexually offensive, I don't think I am capable of that
Care Less: I thought your asking my name was meant as a joke and the good suff is still waiting to be freed on your end. old man river: no, the question was serious but I don't expect you to answer it though I hope you will in fact, my hope is the joke
Care Less: I see. I will not answer that question. What would be another potentially offensive question? old man river: More personal questions Gender Age things of that nature
Care Less: You already seem confident in assuming I am female and young due to your deductive capabilities.
old man river: how have you managed to retain your faculties
and how have you managed to regain your previous tone or did the nature of my questions push you back it is almost 2 am
do you not sleep or eat vocation of some sort if you so desire, we can flip the script and you may ask me questions
I will either answer truthfully or decline to respond, but I will not lie
Care Less: Elaborate on the forst two questions for now, then go into further detail about the rest of them.
old man river: Do you mean my questions to you or your questions to me Care Less: The ones you posed.
old man river: OK, well your tone has returned to a more inquisitive, almost detached tone that you had adopted earlier. After a while, especially near the end of our first chat and the beginning of this one, it became more playful and suggestive.
Care Less: Which would lead you to believe what? old man river: Well you are doing it right now You are offended scared not sure
Care Less: Being inquisitive? old man river: and you are probing me in a non-sexual manner, of course Care Less: At least.
old man river: Please remember that these are questions posed to you Care Less: The first question could use some more shape.
old man river: And I am in no condition to provide it. My though process is slowed. I appreciate chatting with you but I have to check out now.
Care Less: I see. old man river: I would love to resume tomorrow evening, at your discretion of course
Care Less: That might be entertaining. Shape some. old man river: good night Sasha Grey in my mind
Care Less: Bye.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329675 - 05/20/08 06:20 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
That's OK, Moose. But there are a few differences. For one, Malice didn't pretend to be someone he wasn't. Also, the whore in question doesn't seem to have asked that the convo be kept private, which OMR did. The differences between implied and explicit privacy and between civilians and PWs can be debated. But one thing's clear: Whatever Sashamutt/Queerbait ends up posting will almost certainly turn out to be as lame as, well, the rest of its posts.
EDIT: Hard to believe, but it was actually lamer.
Edited by Jim B. (05/20/08 06:31 PM)
#329676 - 05/20/08 06:26 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
Pretty Pleads pwns him IMO.
#329679 - 05/20/08 07:21 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
The more interesting stuff is a bit further down.
Excerpts could be helpful.
Let me see...
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329681 - 05/20/08 07:23 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC
Good lord. I didn't even read that shit, but where was that shit when I said I needed a nap?
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K
#329682 - 05/20/08 07:24 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Let's put it this way, Gia: ADT would find it lame.
#329683 - 05/20/08 07:32 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
I'll admit I read the transcript stem to stern.
Old Man River likes Fatman- that's a good thing.
I want to read more, if there is any more, because this has to be headed somewhere. Right now it reads like David Bowie flirting with Mick Jagger, but with no talent and less humor.
If there's more, post it Care Less.
#329684 - 05/20/08 07:37 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC
I felt like I was reading a Swedish melodrama, but with one guy practicing his lines for both characters.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K
#329685 - 05/20/08 07:39 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Icon
Registered: 01/27/06
Posts: 3440
Loc: Jaundice Town
I couldn't get far but what I did read was pretentiously retarded. Is there a point to it? Can someone copypasta the parts that are supposedly good? It just seems like two lonely dudes IMing each other with one pretending to be a chick. Looking forward to reading jamesn's take ...  Careless Hype
#329686 - 05/20/08 07:50 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Hype, yeah. Definitely.
And no pretense was needed, as it all went along, slowly, by itself.
For the hasty tweakers, here is a topic-specific excerpt about the Sasha Grey fan in old man river:
"old man river: oh my
Care Less: Keep going.
old man river: unsure how to proceed in all honesty
Care Less: Write about it.
old man river: an impulse, quickly suppressed
or repressed, never can remember the difference
would it be possible to change the subject?
Care Less: That is what I would have suggested next.
old man river: i am uncomfortable with my thoughts at the moment
Care Less: Why? Are they too private to mention?
old man river: not necessarily
Care Less: Then go ahead.
old man river: but they place me with those i disassociate from
i am wondering about your true nature
and your identity
I would rather not
Care Less: Why?
old man river: it places me in a categorizable position
and you in clear power
Care Less: How would that work?
old man river: you have what I want
and I have no way of taking it from you
Care Less: What is it you want?
old man river: good question
the simple and superficial answer is your identity
but that is not exactly the truth
in that my interest is predicated on the possibility that you could be sasha grey
if you are someone else, someone obscure, or even a 77 yo man, your identity is meaningless to me
or at least carries much less significance
and that makes me a fanboy or is it fanboi or whatever the term may be
more importantly, it makes me one of them
one who is possibly subject to your trolling
and thus in a position of weakness
Care Less: Strange. What would you think if I in fact were Sasha Grey?
old man river: i would not think, that is the problem
Care Less: Do you desire her? Is that too personal a question to ask?
old man river: i am afraid that my answer would be yes, I am afraid of my answer actually
Care Less: Why?
old man river: i prefer to be in control of myself, of my feelings to a large extent
i prefer not to cede this to others as I have to you somewhat
Care Less: While I do not know the validity of the following, I will make an assumption: You seem to have some affection towards Sasha Grey, as she is sexually desirable for you and you seem to be uncomfortable with this. Trust your drive.
old man river: your assumption is valid
Care Less: So when asking yourself why you are afraid that this is he case, what comes to mind besides the topic of control?
old man river: control in two areas. the first being me relative to you. the second being within myself. That is, maintaining some semblance of control over my impulses/urges
it is the latter that frightens me more
you are somewhere else, communicating via wires. I am here with myself, there is no possiblity of avoidance
Care Less: Understandable. If you desire a young woman, then this seems all right to me. What about you?
old man river: i concur
Care Less: Then you should not be afraid of anything.
old man river: You are right, I should not. But I am ...
Care Less: Strange obscurity?
old man river: I don't know if your message was truncated or not
strange obscurity is all I see
Care Less: That is all I wrote.
old man river: what do you mean by that
Care Less: The paradox of your being confident and afraid simultaneously, not knowing the cause and trying to motivate you to clarify in order to understand better.
old man river: i am confident?
just noticing that I am not using upper case as much
Care Less: Confident with desiring a young woman sexually.
old man river: Christ you cut to the bone
There are several factors behind this
I would rather not get into them at this time
Care Less: Understandable. I did not intend to be too curious and wanted to be concise and specific.
old man river: No need to apologize for curiousity, I am more than happy to discuss it when my nerves settle
Care Less: You are still nervous then?
old man river: yes
I would like to know
Care Less: What would you like to know?
old man river: Your earlier implication was that you are Sasha Grey...
Care Less: You would like to know whether I am her?
old man river: yes
Care Less: What do you think?
old man river: I believe so
Care Less: Why?
old man river: You implied this earlier
Care Less: You wrote that that would put you into the same corner as the denying XPT fanbase.
old man river: that is correct, which is why I stated that i was uncomfortable with my thoughts at the moment
but they are there
and in acknowledging them, recognized a painful truth about myself
Care Less: Further above, you stated your lack of insider status regarding the male mind. Does that painful truth might have anything to do with that or even derive from ther? Curious and nosy I am.
old man river: I'm sorry, I meant lack of insider status regarding the industry. The male mind I am familiar with. Curious and nosy you are
Care Less: Indeed.
old man river: I am curious and nosy myself
and awaiting an answer
Care Less: What is it you would ask Sasha Grey if I was her?
old man river: I would ask why she is so evasive when asked questions about her identity
Care Less: Maybe she would point out your being curious and nosy.
old man river: but that has already been acknowledged ...
Care Less: And you would like to know for sure now, once and for all, I presume. But what would it change in this chat, considering if I was her I possibly would just make something up, maintaining a personal life that is private and apart from the screen name, the industry?
old man river: I am aware of that possibility.
Care Less: And still awaiting an answer?
old man river: yes
Care Less: I am not her.
old man river: I will take you at your word
Care Less: You should."
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329688 - 05/20/08 08:06 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
I don't think that excerpt from what you already posted helped anyone at all. Let me try: - Old Man River (hereafter OMR) thinks Care Less is Sasha Grey
- OMR is a psychiatrist, and justifies to himself his fanboy interest in Sasha using clinical pretenses
- Care Less, liking the attention, posts ambiguous responses to OMR's inquiries
- OMR parses these responses in the Sasha-script he is running in his head - they fit
Now. What's next?
#329689 - 05/20/08 08:13 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
To indirectly name me an attention whore does not really cut it, but go ahead.
Next up is the first of several sexual opinions voiced by old man river in several chats:
"Care Less: Do you think Sasha Grey likes to dominate her sex partners privately?
old man river: hahaha
I think it depends on the partner
and it depends on the sex
Care Less: Would you like to be dominated by her that way?
old man river: I think I already have ...
Care Less: Syntax?
old man river: I believe that i have been dominated by her sexually ...
Care Less: I mean the haptic component.
old man river: Well I have perused some of her pictures and on film, she seems to be dominated
In her private life, I can imagine the opposite
I can be submissive
yes, I would like to explore that with her
Care Less: You can imagine the opposite due to your being able to be submissive?
old man river: No, I can imagine her private life is the opposite of her public persona.
As much as her performances are just that, I can also see them as an expression or presentation of an artistic persona
and that could also reflect certain fantasies
Care Less: Regarding my last question: No correlation?
old man river: oh, interesting
quite possible
i did not think of it as a projection on my part but you are probably correct
Care Less: Not everything is a projection.
You can see it differently as well.
old man river: true
Care Less: Cause and effect might be interchangeable.
old man river: yes, but when I said I can be submissive, i meant to say that i usually am
But now that i am indulging myself, yes I would definitely like to be dominated by her
But my definition of domination is quite tame
Care Less: No Gag Factor in your bedroom then.
old man river: Gag Factor? Probably not LOL
Care Less: Throating, much saliva.
old man river: Oh I am not opposed to that
Does Sasha practice Gag Factoring?
Care Less: Look her up on iafd.com for all your future needs.
old man river: do you practice gag factoring?
or do I need to look at iafd.com for that as well
Care Less: I do not. I do not even know whether I was right in describing it.
old man river: do you like to dominate
Care Less: Not really.
old man river: do you like to be dominated
Care Less: Not especially.
old man river: closer to my tastes i see
Care Less: Why would that be of importance?
old man river: I am nosy and curious ...
Care Less: Definitely."
Bornyo, feel free to condense it down for the meth users.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329692 - 05/20/08 08:22 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
No tits were flashed during the chats.
But, since the first chat is posted and the second one does not really look that Cage-compatible, what is it you guys are interested in, if that is the case at all?
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329693 - 05/20/08 08:39 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Intersted in? You made the thread.
Ohh ffs enough..screencaps of the chat or stfu. And then...maybe.. it's for real.
I can't believe you fucken knobs are buying into this. I'll forgive Gia..cause well she's hot and has a dirty mouth. The rest of you are a testament to the degeneration of mankind and your lucky that I don't take the time to kick the braces off of your spindly legs.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#329694 - 05/20/08 08:46 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Text only.
So you do not care. Get ass-fucked while waiting in line.
Consiracy everywhere.
Just look at the length, bitches.
I did not make this shit up.
So. If someone has any interest in specific parts, post them.
Otherwise I will not waste my time editing the stuff.
On demand in detail, so to type.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329695 - 05/20/08 08:48 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/17/04
Posts: 6005
Loc: travieso capital management an...
old man river should retire seeing as he's everything wrong with psychiatry-heavy into bullshit psychoanalysis AND HE'S ABUSING HIS PATIENTS.
first of all, that drug DOES NOT last a full month.
second-you travelled to inject him(i hope to god i didn't interpret that as IV rather than IM) which means you're the personification of a 1960's-barbaric asylum doc. your involvement in his sedation as the target of what made him a threat was idiotic given it was you he initially flipped at.
third-your choice of drug and administration is consistent with the practice of abusing first-gen anti's-YOU PRESCRIBED FOR SIDE-EFFECTS OF A DRUG NOT IT'S INTENDED USE. you just stuck him against his will with a drug with a very serious set of side-effects basically to knock him the fuck out.
if he wasn't rampaging through the hospital attacking everyone in sight, just threatening you, you're straight out of >one flew over" almost punatively overmedicating your patients while spewing 100-year old shit about the id.
classic case of someone who can spew frued for hours for the sheer philosophical pride of having synthesized a few texts THEN JUST USING DATED AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ON A MONTHLY-REGIMEN TO MAKE THEM INTO VEGATABLES.
retire, md's were easier to come by in your day and you're burned-out and shitting the bed in crisis situations like it's 1973 in regards to what's current in both the direction of your patient's human rights and pharmocological evidence(they find out something about your crutch in a needle every 2 years as serious and irreversible as dementia, cardiac risks and now FUCKING CANCER)
douchebag. loner. barbaric. creepy. unfit to practice in 2008 whether you can give a lecture or not. you're job should be turned over to someone from the era of more-competitive admissions to med school and with a more-considered approach to chemical-sedation, ethics-wise and psychopharm-wise.
you're sicker and more dangerous than many of those in your care as inpatients and i hope you die very soon.
second, you
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"
Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits
#329697 - 05/20/08 08:59 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Fish for trolling more elaborately and I will bite a little.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329698 - 05/20/08 09:02 PM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Not my style, I'd rather piss napalm into your crossed eyes guppy.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn
#329700 - 05/21/08 05:27 AM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
What did I tell you, Queen of Lame.
#329701 - 05/21/08 06:53 AM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
I'm not saying this thread is lame but the addition of about 25 various Panzer drawings and designs to it would be a definite improvement.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#329703 - 05/21/08 11:22 AM
Re: Chatty Old Man River - Post For Entertainment
Porn Icon
Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
Worst thread of the year.
#329705 - 05/21/08 01:14 PM
Read It And Eat It
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
You people who read it and did not like it were forewarned.
Tough shit.
You did not participate that much, which was the idea - to save unnecessary time editing material not of interest.
The rest of the at best semi-literate meth heads should better try to engage in simpler activities like playing in the sandbox, forming genitals with clay and painting how their parents raped them while being teenagers.
That this would be a quick fix usually handed out in small chunks was not part of thae concept.
Get over it.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329706 - 05/21/08 01:31 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
You obviously think these chats are more valuable than they appear. True, you "warned" people they may not be interesting, but now when people express this reaction you dismiss the readers as being too simple to understand their great merit.
Also, what is this tremendous editing effort to which you refer? All you have to do is a "find & replace" for the usernames and use the same feature with wildcards to eliminate the timestamps if you so choose. Personally I get information from the timestamps, such as how frantically someone may be typing, if someone is nodding or not paying attention, etc. Maybe you want to conceal those clues.
For all the buildup the product thus far is a letdown. That's your fault, not ours.
#329707 - 05/21/08 01:54 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
The material definitely is not valuable on its own.
A buildup is not what I intended and the subsequent "letdown" was anticipated.
Word processing is not something I am very familiar with and thus I removed the timestamps, which would not only give away the time between entries, but also the timezone I am situated in for old man river to compare with his version of the stuff, while reading the whole material, which has its own appeal. This is time-consuming.
So, if the general reaction is one ranging from "lame" to "worst shit ever", I will not waste any more time doing the routine described above to wade through transcripts of chats of several hours.
If, however, there is interest expressed regarding a special topic and someone feels like sharing and explaining the wildcard feature Bornyo mentioned in Wordpad or Notepad, there might be some stuff I can dig up.
I do not really blame anyone for not liking the idea and content.
What I find strange is the inability or unwillingness to read my posts in this thread in order to get a grasp of what I intended to do with it and then complain about where the fun was lost.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329708 - 05/21/08 02:35 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 11/14/04
Posts: 1460
Loc: Down there
The fact is you're boring and stupid. No one here should really give a shit you tried to hoodwink some old skeez. If it was Cunt Lackwood or D**** (rhymes with Lonnie) L*** (rhymes with Dong) you tried this shit with, it might have been marginally interesting. I didn't read that shit and I trusted in the regs here. Most of them were right about this sewage you posted. Kill yourself.
I like me some Gia'd Jerkins.
#329709 - 05/21/08 02:38 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
The pathetic internet tough shits on withdrawal.
It will be over soon.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329710 - 05/21/08 03:18 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
I'm coming to the party late, but as I understand it, the situation can be summarized as follows:
Someone we don't know, has tried to embarass someone else we don't know by pretending to be somebody else whom we don't care about, all by posting excerpts of a conversation we weren't involved in.
If anything, this strongly suggests you ARE Sasha Grey since no two people could be so self-absorbed.
You're all still alive?
#329711 - 05/21/08 03:25 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC
ZING, Grizz! I'm interpreting the thread as:
Someone who hunted prey for the herd became dinner for the herd.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K
#329712 - 05/21/08 03:37 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Nothing valid, interesting or elaborate in the last two posts.
If I should act as the lauhing stock of the stock, then someone would have to attempt to point this out.
Look artound the board and discover that there is nothing really entertaining there.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329713 - 05/21/08 03:39 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Icon
Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
Nothing valid, interesting or elaborate in the last two posts.
Wrong. They're the two best posts in this whole shitty thread.
#329714 - 05/21/08 03:42 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Untrue and anticipated.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329715 - 05/21/08 03:43 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Icon
Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
"CareLess", it's what's for dinner.
#329716 - 05/21/08 03:44 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Hack away, man.
It can only get better, not worse.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329717 - 05/21/08 03:47 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/26/06
Posts: 1058
Loc: Keen for Peen
if you read care less whisper's posts in the voice of stewey from family guy, they're really funny.
Even though Brian Pumper sometimes tries to act like he is hardcore thug-rapper, I can tell that underneath he is a considerate, respectful guy. -tritone
#329718 - 05/21/08 03:49 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Icon
Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
if you read care less whisper's posts in the voice of stewey from family guy, they're really funny.
He was right, it did get better!
#329719 - 05/21/08 03:50 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Bukkake Boy
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
Keep going.
Improve the world.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts.
The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers.
Fuck this shit.
#329720 - 05/21/08 03:52 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
neil goldman's voice for omr
316928-neil.jpg (9 downloads)
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#329722 - 05/21/08 04:08 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
i got nothing for cheetos, but here is a delish snack with fritos Frito PopcornINGREDIENTS: 2 envelopes microwave popcorn without butter, popped 4 cups corn cereal puffs (e.g. Kixâ„¢) 1 (10.5 ounce) bag extruded corn chips (e.g. Fritosâ„¢) 2 (2.25 ounce) packages blanched slivered almonds 2 cups thin pretzel sticks 1 pound vanilla flavored confectioners' coating DIRECTIONS: 1. Cover a large flat surface with waxed paper. In a large bowl, stir together the popcorn, cereal, corn chips, almonds, and pretzels. 2. Melt the confectioners' coating in a glass bowl in the microwave for 1 minute. Continue to cook at 30 second intervals, stirring between each one, until the coating is smooth. 3. Pour melted coating over the cereal mixture. It's best to use a large metal spoon, and pour 1 or 2 spoonfuls at a time then mix to ensure even distribution. (A second person can be useful here - one to pour, one to mix.) Once everything is coated, spread the mixture out onto waxed paper in a thin layer. Let stand for about 1/2 hour, or until coating is dry. Transfer to a bowl to serve, or store in an airtight container.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#329723 - 05/21/08 05:04 PM
Re: Read It And Eat It
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/30/08
Posts: 7600
Loc: a site known for its tolerance...
From now on Gigi, every recipe you post has to rhyme with 'itos': Doritos, fritos, cheetos, taquitos, mojitos....
"I'll never forget the moment during the lovely Alyssa Allure's scene in 'American Bukkake' where the fellow got out of his wheel chair to ejaculate on her face. It was grotesque but had a certain frisson." -Sock
booger: patiently waiting for the mugshot posts, which I anticipate being quality material
TFerguson: Where does he find the mugshots and stories that go with them?
Max Rhino: I google the name and "arrest" and the city if possible
Max Rhino: mugshots.com used to have a ton of mugshots, not so much anymore
Max Rhino: Lots of ways, including news stories and inmate penpal websites
booger: sorry, i see now that it is
booger: Excellent additions to the Honor Roll
Max Rhino: Mugshot Mania today! 7 new ladies!
Max Rhino: In celebration of the new year, 7 new mugshots! Happy Ney Year to you all!
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