
Your guitar was manufactured in February of 1984

Rickenbacker 4001 Jet-Glo (black) color.
Do not know what it is worth yet so no asking price. I don't know how sure I am about getting rid of it today, I just don't think I can use it now because of tendinitis.

I got it in 1998 or 97 for 800$ American. They don't make them any more. Their newer 4003 model looks exactly the same except the pick guard is split into two pieces and i think the fret board is made of a different wood. Any way I gave you enough to do some research. It isn't that rare. PM me and we can talk.

It is this:

386761-rickenbacker 003.jpg (3 downloads)

Edited by conquistador (02/13/09 09:43 PM)