
You know Donny, I think you are a fag and I can't stand you, but you really are on to something with this Christian doing an untested tranny thing.

I also could not find Brittany Coxxx on Labdat. Any gay who did that many BB scenes has an extremely high chance of having HIV. If Christian worked with the liger, he put everyone in the industry at risk, condom or not. Everyone knows that AIM is the source of our industry testing. We have one other testing center that is generally accepted, but anything else would not be the PCRDNA, it would be the ELISA test. Also very easy to fake since those fly by night places don't even require ID.

This is huge. It also shows that most ligers are just gay men out to make a buck. After they get blown and diseased out in gay, they throw on a wig and some bolt ons, become ligers and work untested by our industry standards. This is fucking disgraceful on every level.

Probably the biggest breakthrough story I've ever read... and from such a tool.

more to come
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