

, says the porn girl for whom there wasn't enough money offered for her to fuck a black guy.

Says a stupid, ugly HIV positive, moralizing whore.

Ive been pretty quiet about this IR stuff, because I dont want to be labled another tritione, but I cant fuckin take it anymore.

Jamesn is an obvious racist, calls black people niggers and inferior, posts links to hate sites, and no one cares...he gets a free pass, but tritone questions someone who wont do IR, and you call him a racist? Are you fucking kidding me?

I dont think anyone needs to be reminded of the fact they are hiv positive. Im sure she has not forgotten. That is just completely uncalled for.

Both comments about tricia and tritone are outrageous.
Most of you are very lucky. Youve obviously never had to deal with someone who was TRULY a racist, and that must be nice.