

OK guys. Of course I understand that there are other types of Interracial relationships besides the black man / white woman.

Its just that my focus has been on the most controversial and "taboo" of the IR pairings --- black male with white/asian/hispanic/indian woman.

When you see a black guy with a white woman - especially an attractive, fit white woman that even white guys would want - it gives you hope that if you make something of yourself, you CAN have the best things in life regardless of your color. Now we know this doesn't always ring true, but you must have faith in the ideal to sustain your march forward.

Its even better if the brother is not a famous entertainer or athlete, but is instead just a decent looking, articulate fellow who supports himself with a legitimate occupation.

So what you're saying is that attractive white women are one of "the best things in life" for a black male?

Wow, that is some self-loathing racist shit there. Because you've basically said that a white woman is the gold standard in life and that black guys aspire to "marry up" into the world of white women. So we can see the racism because you've implied that white women are superior. And the racism is followed up by self loathing because simply put, you're black and yet you look at a specific group of people that you are not a part of and consider them superior. That's self loathing.

This bizarre way of thinking is why white parents are NEVER happy to see their kids get involved with the IR thing when it comes to blacks.

I could go and decide to marry a hispanic girl and my parents would say "she got papers already or not?" Beyond that it wouldn't be a problem. Same thing goes for just about anyone else. But for black people it's different. It's like everything is about race when it comes to blacks. And black people are the ones who start that shit. The shit is old. Every time you mother fuckers call someone a racist because they don't capitulate to your demands it gets closer and closer to having the same effect as the little boy who cried wolf. And calling someone a racist because they won't fuck you is just pathetic. Do you think you're going to guilt trip someone into fucking you?

Maybe this racism/IR thing is just your shtick. But aren't you bored with it? Moblem's dead whore posts offer more entertainment then your bullshit.
Why do you black guys like to ruin white girls? I guess for the same reason you like to ruin white neighborhoods. -NitneLiun