
To answer your question Patty:

-Alana and Chris Evans (Alana was married to a black guy before this!)
-Brianna Love and ??? (He is an agent in the biz and is BLACK. They have a daughter together. What a beautiful IR story. Brianna is awesome!)
-Nicole Sheridan and Voodoo (both performers. She only works with him, but Voodoo can bone other chicks)
-Mark [Sher]Wood and Francesca Le (both producers & performers)
-Sophie Dee and Lee G. (Both performers, agents, and Lee G. is a BROTHER too! YES!!!)
-Katja Kassin and Sledgehammer (another IR marraige, but they are divorced now. Both performers)
-Vanessa Blue and John "pornlaw" Fatriosi (she performs and directs, he is an industry legal advisor)

-ChristianXXX and Lexi Belle
-ChristianXXX and Lovette
-ChristianXXX and Lisa Lipps
-ChristianXXX and Demi Della

-ChristianXXX and Phoenix Marie


After the gym, Phoenix Marie wanted to see Drillbit Taylor (just for the record, I did not want to see this movie one iota, I want to see movies with substance). So she drove over to my place to go check it out. I hadn't hung out with her in a week, so it was good to see her again. But then she went and ruined it. Actually, she didn't ruin it, she is such a nice and friendly person that she didn't understand me when I asked her to do something.

There is another male performer in this business that LOVES to fuck porn girls off camera. He myspaces them and texts them, and is overly nice and friendly. This dude doesn't care if they are dating someone, or are married, or whatever. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and you can't trust him at all. Once he gets his hooks into a girl, it never stops. I asked him kindly about a week ago to stop texting and myspacing Phoenix and evidently I wasn't clear enough. Because as soon as Phoenix walks in the door, she gets a fucking text from this dude, and HE IS ANSWERING A PREVIOUS TEXT FROM PHOENIX. I don't fucking understand, what part of a wolf in sheep's clothing doesn't she understand? I hate stress, and I hate losing my cool, but I was getting close since I was so tired from my scene and workout. This dude is supposedly seriously dating someone in the business, but he is texting Phoenix all the time? Seriously? I already know his fucking M.O. because he fucks about 10 different girls in the business off camera. And I know he reads my fucking blog, so when he plays dumb like he doesn't know that Phoenix and I hang out, I just laughed.

I didn't want to deal with the situation anymore, so I told Phoenix that I was tired (which I was) and that I was going to bed. She got upset and left. I just don't get people sometimes. This is why it is so much better to not get emotionally involved with other performers, it just never leads anywhere, and it causes stress. Did I mention I fucking HATE stress? Arghhhh.


Keiran Lee is the best, this is a dude who supposedly has a girlfriend, and yet was CONSTANTLY texting the girl I was having dinner with last week, and then had the fucking nerve to argue with me about it. Am I texting and myspacing his girlfriend? And then he sent an email to Crystal Storm, and when I confronted him about that, he claimed he was trying to email Krystal Summers. Oh yeah, because their names are REALLY close. What a douche! He acts like I don't know that he myspaces, texts, and calls just about every girl in the business. And then has the nerve to tell people how happy he is with his girlfriend. The dude is a fucking joke and can't take it when I call him out on his boorish behavior. I could care less what girls he is scamming on, I just don't want him to scam on the girls that I am friends with while I am with them. It's disrespectful and going to come back to bite him in the ass one day.