
New shooting location in Chatsworth (studio)
Studio features:
*working bathroom sometimes, just jiggle the metal thingy.
*cold shower
*Talent can wait in a room
*6 ft. ceilings
*Perfect location in Chatsworth CA--don't mind the cement mixers next door.
*Ample parking for three people
*Computer, printer, and internet access at a 28k connection
*An abundance of cheezy sets and props
*Full air conditioning on a good day if you're lucky.
*I'll throw in a free rental car if you book eight hours--you pay gas.

I sort of like the free rental car.

305360-1.jpg (5 downloads)

“My money is on the way.” -- Jim B “I'll be sending my check out first thing tomorrow.”-- Safado “How much money has come in till now from the fanbase?”-- Freestylah “$12.41”--Smokey