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#314594 - 06/03/08 07:19 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
There are dozens of Ruth Blackwell pregnant scenes. That "quote" of hers was written by Shelly Lubben.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
#314598 - 06/04/08 09:58 AM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
Yes, I love the ever-forgiving role that God & Jesus play in this whole scenario. It's not the brainwashing & coddling that Shelley gives, it's the mystical works of God and the loving savior Jesus H. Christ.
Both of them are equal to the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny to me, so I don't see how that's possible. But, the tooth fairy would have made me rich if only I had a couple thousand teeth to lose, I should be thankful for such characters in life.
This sentence got me ragging hard:
Julie has been away from her family for several years trapped in the porn industry in California.
It's nice to know that slavery is back in this country, in the form (or farm) of fuck pigs & cum hogs on the ranch that is Porn Valley.

Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#314599 - 06/04/08 10:49 AM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/23/06
Posts: 486
remember the DP scene she did in girlvert where ashley blue writes all over her in black magic marker.
god i love that scene, great whore with no brains.
throatfucking is family entertainment
#314601 - 06/04/08 11:52 AM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/23/06
Posts: 486
they are too busy begging these girls not to get abortions, but when they need help they don't offer any. so they have the kid, get poor and end up blowing brandon iron or donny long. Quote:
This sentence got me ragging hard:
Julie has been away from her family for several years trapped in the porn industry in California.
What was going one with "Julie" before porn?
What forced her into high school gangbangs in PA? Did porn introduce her to drugs? Where did her kid come from? Where was her family during all of this?

And, where are these god-squad-ers for the girls BEFORE they get into porn.
Please ...
throatfucking is family entertainment
#314604 - 06/04/08 01:36 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
I'm more than fine with Sierra choosing to opt out of porn.
I'm more than fine with her saying she found her time in porn regretable.
I'm not fine with her blaming porn or anyone else for problems that stem from her own bad choices.
She was a slut before porn.
She was a drug user before porn.
She was an absent mother before porn.
No one in porn forced her to steal things.
She is an adult who made some bad choices.
I support her attempts to heal and turn her life around. But, not the god-squad propaganda Lubben is selling about her.
I wish Sierra/Julie well. I very much enjoyed talking to her here. She was funny and very nice to me.
But, she's only going to succeed if she owns her mistakes.
Amo i Gemelli!!
#314605 - 06/04/08 04:00 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
She may be making a comeback. Her myspace page was recently updated and her occupation is "pornstar/DJ".
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#314606 - 06/04/08 04:46 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/23/06
Posts: 486
someone needs to tell her making an ipod playlist doesnt make you a dj Quote:
She may be making a comeback. Her myspace page was recently updated and her occupation is "pornstar/DJ".
throatfucking is family entertainment
#314607 - 06/04/08 04:51 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/05
Posts: 4726
Loc: The City That Never Sleeps, Tr...
someone needs to tell her making an ipod playlist doesnt make you a dj
She may be making a comeback. Her myspace page was recently updated and her occupation is "pornstar/DJ".
Isnt it funny how everyone is a dj today with a fucking IPOD or a computer...insane, I remember real carrying turn tables, speakers, amplifiers, milk crates of albums into venues and partys. That is true djing.
#314608 - 06/04/08 04:55 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
She may be making a comeback. Her myspace page was recently updated and her occupation is "pornstar/DJ".
My mistake. I was looking at her old myspace profile and confused the login date with her new profile. I guess she's back in Pittsburgh by now being a model mommy.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#314609 - 06/04/08 04:59 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/05
Posts: 4726
Loc: The City That Never Sleeps, Tr...
She may be making a comeback. Her myspace page was recently updated and her occupation is "pornstar/DJ".
My mistake. I was looking at her old myspace profile and confused the login date with her new profile. I guess she's back in Pittsburgh by now being a model mommy.
I bet for the right amount of money Jeff can get her back to be in the Mommy of the Year series.
#314612 - 06/05/08 07:59 AM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Registered: 10/21/05
Posts: 2710
Just out of curiosity, would any US-based members care to put a dollar price on what such an epic journey (So Cal to Philly) costs? I'm figuring U-haul rental, fuel etc...maybe car rental? I don't know if she had wheels or not. It's just that twelve months seems an awful long time to take to get one's shit together.
#314613 - 06/05/08 09:05 AM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Just out of curiosity, would any US-based members care to put a dollar price on what such an epic journey (So Cal to Philly) costs?
I'm figuring U-haul rental, fuel etc...maybe car rental? I don't know if she had wheels or not.
It's just that twelve months seems an awful long time to take to get one's shit together.
Dan, assuming she's left behind her bong collection, I don't think she's going to need that U-Haul. So, going barebones (i.e. Greyhound,) a one-way ticket to Philly for this Saturday at 5:00 PM, no discounts or special offers, is going to cost $210.00. www.greyhound.com
Shelley can't cough up that kind of scratch? WTF is she doing with all the donations she's been mooching? Somebody get Jerry Brown on the phone.
#314615 - 06/05/08 01:12 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
Just out of curiosity, would any US-based members care to put a dollar price on what such an epic journey (So Cal to Philly) costs?
I'm figuring U-haul rental, fuel etc...maybe car rental? I don't know if she had wheels or not.
It's just that twelve months seems an awful long time to take to get one's shit together.
Dan, assuming she's left behind her bong collection, I don't think she's going to need that U-Haul. So, going barebones (i.e. Greyhound,) a one-way ticket to Philly for this Saturday at 5:00 PM, no discounts or special offers, is going to cost $210.00. www.greyhound.com
Shelley can't cough up that kind of scratch? WTF is she doing with all the donations she's been mooching? Somebody get Jerry Brown on the phone.
I think Sierra's from Pittsburgh ... and fuck the bus.
If she leaves on Saturday ...
A one-way Delta plane ticket from LAX to "Steel City" with an hour or so wait for a Cincinnati connection is just 25 bucks more* than Greyhound. But, she's got nothing to do anyway. With 2 transfers [Milwaukee & Atlanta] and some waiting around, I can get her to Pittsburgh for $197.50 on AirTran.**
If her family is in Philly, I can get her there by plane via Delta from John Wayne for just under $164 with one connection ... but lots of waiting around.***
C'mon you Christian lurkers!! Step the fuck up!!!
God is going to be pissed and hurt you if you don't.

* - [Flights 1768 / 5252] ** - [Flights 514 / 441 / 525] *** - [8 differnt flight combinations for the same price]
Amo i Gemelli!!
#314616 - 06/05/08 01:18 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
You know, Fatty, you could really provide a public service by doing this full time and steering the prospective PWs away from B.I. at the bus terminal.
#314617 - 06/05/08 01:23 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 01/10/06
Posts: 1487
Loc: NYC
All I can say is I wish the ex fucktoy formerly known as Sierra Sinn the best of luck... Anybody who escapes porn alive is ok by me.
I second that.
But I'll still stir the pot.
New/final blog post at http://www.myspace.com/xxxsierrasinnxxx
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
update!! Current mood: blessed Category: Life
So...just wanted 2 do an update cause I know it has been such a very long time... 1. I quit porn almost a year ago! And I could not be happier!! I will never ever ever ever ever ever even think about going back to that disgusting industry... 2. I do not blame porn for all the problems of my life not even..I know that I have made a lot of mistrakes on my own..but I will say that pornography amplified my problems and created even more new ones...that I have since gotten past and continue to improve myself as a person! 3. My clothing line is starting to take off. My very own designs are being printed on to tee shirts...I wish I could show them to u now, but they r not copyrighted yet. It is not exactly a fast process...but they will be available 2 the public within the year!!! Look out ed hardy...I am about to take over!! And I will have distribution on both east and west coasts....as well as a brand new fully functional website. 3. I am working @ a high end grocery store making good money and learning a lot about the effects that good food have on your body as well as ways to improve the environment!! Recycling is my newest passion And u should all do it and do it right!!! 4. I moved!!! I got the heck out of the most stressful, disgusting, stuck up their own butt place I have ever had the horror of visiting...I am home!! My family loves me more than ever and believe me when I say that the feeling is mutual!! 5.I am a killer dj...I spin vinyl.(to all the lame haters with nothing better to do with their lives than talk crap about a girl getting on with her life..u know who u r!!!)I am a REAL dj that plays shows and I am working on my first cd...yea music PRODUCTION...and I am very happy with the progress!! 6.my daughter is the most intelligent and beautiful little girl in the whole world..but u will never see her. Cause I will never ever put her on the internet even on my top secret profile that none of u will ever even know about!! She is far to special to let any creeps get ahold of even a glimpse of her stunning radience. 7. I am not doing any drugs...I quit smoking ciggarettes. Alcohol. And the anti anxiety medication a doctor in cali perscribed me. I don't need those crutches anymore..pot..I haven't completly given up...never will...but there are many days between tokes for me...I honestly haven't smoked pot since I have been in pennsylvania! Woooohaaa!! 8. I have not nor will I ever steal! Those hurtful internet rumors are bullcrap...and the people that realy know me know that is a fact!! The whole skeeter's blockbuster card thing wasn't me! It was people I was living with.. And it doesn't really matter anyway. As far as I am concerned, that evil old disgusting and BALD!!!! Man had it comming...he destroyed many peoples lives and is a miserable old alcoholic!! I pray for his soul. I hope that one day he too can see the error in is ways and repent his sins to god or at least stops being such a monster. Yes god bless u 2 skeeter!!! 9. I also want to say I am sorry 2 anyone that I may have hurt along the path of my downward spiral! I truly am sorry and I hope that one day you can forgive me. But even if u can't find compassion and forgiveness in your heart. I sleep well at night knowing that I have forgiven myself. And more importantly so has god!! 10..this one is for shelly!!! I LOVE U SHELLY LUBBEN!!!!! U were a rock for me to hold onto as I climbed my way out of a life of pain and destruction. U were a sholder for me to cry on when the pain of "real life" got to hard. And u still are one of the most amazingly kind, understanding, honest, and generous people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting...I couldn't have done it with out u shellz!!! And if u need anything u can count on me!!! I love u girl! 11. I am gonna get married ...not like tomorrow. Or even next week..probly not for a year or 2 but I have found my soulmate. He loves me for me..he knows my past but doesn't hold it over my head..he too has helped me to become a better person. And he loves my baby girl!!
I have a lot of options for my future! Between the clothing line and the djing I can make it big time...but honestly I would settle for living on a farm growing my own food and having a million babies!!! No matter what does happen for me down the road...I know that I have god in my heart, great people by my side, A strong mind and clear head!!! My future is so bright!!!!
I probly will not ever check this myspace again...it has a lot of bad memories for me...but if u r not some hater just trying to find something to pick me apart with...feel free to keep in touch with me on my other myspace page!!! Myspace.com/neumeedesigns
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my update!!! And god bless
Ps...to all the haters....I forgive u!! And god will 2, if u ask!
One love!!!!
#314619 - 06/05/08 01:40 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 3576
Loc: Baltimore, MD
I wish her the best, but she seems to have a fair amount of hate in her heart based up her message. Did anyone hold a gun to her head during her time in Porn Valley? She must have made some money, did she go through it all on  and  ? Anyway, hope that she gets past her regrets and has all the babies she and her prospective hubby can offord to support?
#314620 - 06/05/08 02:25 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
Gigi is going to be mighty pissed when she reads paragraph 8.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#314621 - 06/05/08 02:35 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
Sierra is right. Bald man always deserve to suffer.  My full head of hair is evidence that God loves me deeply, approves of my teen obsession and sanctions porn piracy.
Amo i Gemelli!!
#314625 - 06/05/08 04:33 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Registered Sex Offender
Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
FWIW, Sierra (Julie) heard about this thread from a friend of hers who is evidently still in the industry. She visited XPT today just to read it.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."
#314626 - 06/05/08 05:12 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
Gigi is going to be mighty pissed when she reads paragraph 8.
nah... i will always like sierra sinn. i wish her well, and hey, more skeeter for me, ha.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#314627 - 06/05/08 06:45 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/05
Posts: 4726
Loc: The City That Never Sleeps, Tr...
#314628 - 06/06/08 07:11 AM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/23/06
Posts: 486
her myspace post proves that she still is likely lurking XPT
throatfucking is family entertainment
#314630 - 06/06/08 05:13 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 05/23/06
Posts: 486
throatfucking is family entertainment
#314633 - 06/06/08 11:42 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
I can't besmearch the whore for trying, but hopefully her lawyer reads the copyright agreements & contracts for her since she obviously can't spell without using 'text talk'.
My XPT rebuttal:
1. Cool. 50 cumbuckets will take your place
2. It's about time an ex-whore Jesus-freak said this!
3. Does Pornstar Clothing still exist?
4. Pittsburgh isn't much of an improvement (no offense Viz).
5. If it's that house / techno shit, I'll pass.
6. Everyone's kid is a fucking genius (only in their parent's eyes).
7. Jesus smokes doobie, too. That's the only way you'll ever see that nigga.
8. Keep praying, You & Erica Campbell both. I  when I see bumper stickers here in the bible belt denoting the driver will pray for my soul. Everytime you pray, god kills a kitten, and I like cats.
9-10....meh...I'm worn out. Ahh, nevermind, I just read that. You're officially brainwashed.
11. Does he love Jesus as much as you do? Does he like the smell of stale sperm when you accidentally belch in his face?
A million babies, ugh. Another welfare client.
Don't forget to pay Shelley Lub'em back for all the goodness she's created. That whore doesn't do this for free!
God is nothing more than an apparition. He doesn't exist, it's all in your head.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#314634 - 06/06/08 11:53 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Everytime you pray, god kills a kitten, and I like cats.
I heard in CCD that it was every time you and I like Dogs better.
#314635 - 06/06/08 11:54 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer
Registered: 04/11/08
Posts: 1265
I can't besmearch the whore for trying, but hopefully her lawyer reads the copyright agreements & contracts for her since she obviously can't spell without using 'text talk'.
My XPT rebuttal:
1. Cool. 50 cumbuckets will take your place 2. It's about time an ex-whore Jesus-freak said this!  3. Does Pornstar Clothing still exist? 4. Pittsburgh isn't much of an improvement (no offense Viz). 5. If it's that house / techno shit, I'll pass. 6. Everyone's kid is a fucking genius (only in their parent's eyes). 7. Jesus smokes doobie, too. That's the only way you'll ever see that nigga. 8. Keep praying, You & Erica Campbell both. I when I see bumper stickers here in the bible belt denoting the driver will pray for my soul. Everytime you pray, god kills a kitten, and I like cats. 9-10....meh...I'm worn out. Ahh, nevermind, I just read that. You're officially brainwashed. 11. Does he love Jesus as much as you do? Does he like the smell of stale sperm when you accidentally belch in his face?
A million babies, ugh. Another welfare client.
Don't forget to pay Shelley Lub'em back for all the goodness she's created. That whore doesn't do this for free!
God is nothing more than an apparition. He doesn't exist, it's all in your head.
Rear Admiral:
"If one of these whores gets herpes from me, then so be it."
"Next for me: trannies."
"This fucking jackass needs to show a recent Herpes test or go back to Canada." - BigDickDaddy
#314636 - 06/07/08 08:55 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 01/10/06
Posts: 1487
Loc: NYC
AND MORE... www.myspace.com/xxxsierrasinnxxx Saturday, June 07, 2008 sierra is dead Current mood: dorky yup thats right..i killed sierra sinn.. so please call me julie! that is all thanks
#314638 - 06/07/08 09:14 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
Saturday, June 07, 2008
sierra is dead Current mood: dorky
yup thats right..i killed sierra sinn..
so please call me julie!
that is all thanks
She's a complete attention whore. She still craves the man with a slow hand, who will only deal her drugs.
Too bad, she can part with her stage name, but according to MySpace regs, she can't part with the URL. What a shame.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#314639 - 06/07/08 10:34 PM
Re: Sierra Sinn Watch
Porn Jesus
Registered: 06/05/05
Posts: 4468
Loc: Great America
Saturday, June 07, 2008
sierra is dead Current mood: dorky
yup thats right..i killed sierra sinn..
so please call me julie!
that is all thanks
can moblem jerk off now with sierra?
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