


why you guys didn't open that site when JM and MAX was under the FEDs target ?

That's a valid question elG but it works both ways. Why didn't Max or JM open a similar site or fund?

EA is channeling their donations into a fund that can work for everyone. This is not something to be trivialized. I'm sure Jeff and Max agree.

edit: as I understand it, these are totally unsolicited donations at that. People want to help EA even if they don't want it, and they are using this goodwill to help others. This isn't a subject to draw swords over.

Thanks for that.

We're going to use the website to get the word out as much as possible. We want as much press as possible in this election year. We want to make people aware that it's not just porn that is and will be under attack by the government.

The reason for the fund is because we don't want to intermingle any donations into John's personal bank accounts. If a person is donating money to a legal case for obscenity, we want to make sure that that's what their money goes towards... whether for the John / Evil Angel case, or the next one.
And the next step of getting non-profit status will work in that I want to set up a Board of Directors who will decide which future cases money gets allocated to, and in what amounts.

Max, per this... I believe Tricia is saying that you now have equal access to this legal fund. Since you have likely spent over $100k easily so far, this will be very nice as you go into your very expensive trial proceedings. Please contact them for your share and report out and thank the industry for all their help.
I love cock and balls.