

4. All individuals should be clean (freshly bathed/showered), clean-shaven and wear cologne/perfume and/or smell nice. They should also bring a prep bag (Overnight bag) with personal hygiene items like: toothpaste/toothbrush, wet wipes, face cloth, towel, soap, body lotion, comb/brush and deodorant.

Are things really that jankity in the ATL?

One would only have to think then……….



There is a $40 administration fee for those auditioning

Is that legit??

Legit/Legal yeah right……

Here is the “official DV interpretation”……………

Hey we just rented the ARMADA ROOM over at the holiday inn…..now you remember last time guys…..them hoochie momma's didn’t even bathe after working a shift and a half over at popeyes….so everything kinda stank……well…..I covered our asses this time……OH YEAH……….and BTW……I am also chargin people an administration fee for attending……SHIT if enough people show……not only do we get a “free room” but we can get free content as well.. This porn shit its alright……

Fatman you crack me up……yo