#310742 - 02/06/0907:17 PMRe: "She's Dead Inside" Eyes
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/28/05
Posts: 4726
Loc: The City That Never Sleeps, Tr...
Is the minimum wage in CALI, really only 5.55 or is that an old sign? And if it is old, does anyone know what the minimum there is now?? I think they may have ups our to 7.15.....whoop dee fucking doo, how is some poor woman or man going to find a job which requires a Master Degree ( just to find a job paying you 10.00 an hour and those are some people who truly do have a Masters), in jobhunting, because there isn't any and its so bad.
Todays Daily News shows that just to call yourself Middle Class here you must be raking in at least 123K plus change. So anyone making a damn decent salary, or what used to be a damn good salary of 50-70K yearly now makes you on the LOW level scale in society and that's really fucked up.
NY is going to be 100x worse, it's a very very scary feeling knowing this. I worry daily about my future, will I still have a job, insurance, a pension fund, a profit sharing he's not added to in the past 2 years. Trying to claim NO profits, which is such fucking bullshit, dude I schedule your closings, I know what you are pulling in, I do all the bills, I see your checkbook, I know what's coming in and going out, and more is coming in than going out so how can you not be profiting...He just doesn't want to add to our profit sharing fund, and there is only 2 of us (women) besides him. Another jew prick, cheap motherfucker, cocksucker, not good . Fucking country is going down tubes and quickly, I dont see Obama fixing shit, not this year anyway, maybe in 2-3 years. But 2009 is gonna be one of the worst, our unemployment rate is thru the roof....very fucking scary.