Christian XXX, a gay male performer, has become well known fro his sissy like attitudes towards people who care about safe sex. I'm sure your a mentor for someone looking to get into the business. From posting their rap sheets to out right physical intimidation, he has boldly moved into standing outside a studio with his band of gay thugs and intimidating those half his size to outwardly calling people legally retarded for refusing to work with him. To make matters worse, he picks on small guys with back up and then brags about it like he's a real man. He considers women too stupid to make their own decisions and blames the girls boyfriends for their refusal to work with him. He claims he works enough but yet he takes the time to stand in parking lots to threaten those that think he's dangerous. He claims he's happy working with the lower end girls but cries like a little sissy when the real stars don't want him to touch them.
This is not an attempt to stand up for Donny Long who seems to have issues on his own. If this is the only way Christian can get attention, it's a pretty sad state of affairs. Lets face it, anyone in the business that works all the time, as Christian claims he does, doesn't have time for such childish antics.
Interesting enough, Christian claims on his blog that he is going to personally talk to every guy on Donny Long's list that have supported not working with him except Lee Stone. I guess he must be aware that Lee Stone can kick his ass so he's willing to leave him alone. No where in the history of Porn has anyone been so unprofessional and ignorant as Christian XXX and yet he finds comfort with gays and Trannies that agree with him and tries to show how much support he gets.
Anyone smart enough not to work with him should be commended but he chooses to label people that worry about their safety as ignorant and he thinks people that agree with him are smart. He claims 5000 hits on his blog but is too stupid to realize it's other talent checking to see who he worked with last so they can avoid working with them.
He thinks that no one has a right not to work with him and he is spending an incredible amount of "spare time" fighting for this losing cause. Why? Because of an oversized ego that only makes him look like the fool he is.
We have seen a box cover of him in boxing gear yet the guy has no scars or broken nose. It's pretty hard to fight in the ring without getting your nose broken at some point even by an unexpected elbow. How many fights has he in the ring? How many wins? How many loses? I can't wait to hear the answer to these. LOL
If he really was an experienced fighter he would realize that even guys half his size properly trained can bring him down in less than 10 seconds and show the world what a girl he really is. One day he is going to stand outside someone's studio and he is going to get tapped out.
The industry needs to band together and send this low life back to the industry he belongs to. The gay side. We have all had enough of this hate filled Tranny lover who is too immature to accept the fact that most people find him disgusting and realize what a head case he really is. Except for those "Intelligent" people that support him.
Christian, if you truly are a man, get to work with those that don't mind working with you and leave others that don't alone. You are only showing more ignorance than what you accuse others of. If you really are the nice guy you try and front yourself to be, why the hell don't you start acting like it? Or is it beyond your acting abilities? I you can't get along with people in the business get the fuck out. I'm sure no one will miss you.