it makes you wonder just what/how she felt about her self image BEFORE the boob job.....think about it. She gets the tit job because she is not happy with the way she looks, or perhaps she is even self conscious and HATES the way she looks with her small, flat chest....and then she gets this travesty perpetrated upon her body.
How does she feel with this disproportionate, crooked, fucked up boob job compared to before? Does she think that, since its obvious that she in fact HAd a boob job that people will cut her some slack but still, overall have a higher degree of attraction to her than with her natural pre boob job chest? I kinda doubt it....I think deep down she is regretting her tits as they are now and wishes she never had them done...Burg and his Burgness thinks that the old Katie Morgan and her natural boobs are way hotter than this travesty. Besides, she should know her strengths and selling points, and in her case it is her cute face and how fucking hot she looks sucking dick. The emphasis should be on her gobbling cum and not her tits...if it is so, then she can rule the roost (or at least do well for herself...)
It's like me and my fucked up legs...should i have had them amputated, and then sprung $12k for a set of imported Danish artifical limbs complete with 5 speed settings (ala Steve Austin the Bionic Man) and complimentary Tatoo-like art? I think not....whores like me for things that have absolutely nothing to do with my'd be a total waste for me.