I would love to see her turn her head UPSIDEDOWN and get throatfucked for the JM cameras. Love it. She could try to sing 'Complicated' with a mouthful of heartlessly pistoning penis. It'd sound like this "Wah do yuh hamm do mug gings zo commuhgaged *HACKCOUGHACK*" Something like that. Phlegm and drool would spill out of her sensual lips and coat her pretty face. It would be wonderful in my opinion. She's such a pretty girl. Not very talented, but she could make up for that by getting throatfucked and humiliated. Her music career is humiliating enough already so she's nearly there anyway.
A few more things:
Ideas for Gag Factor (this is the series of videos in which a parade of young women inexplicably turn their heads UPSIDEDOWN so that men can fuck their mouths with impunity which causes fluids to obliterate their facial features and all sorts of awful noises to eminate from their mouths):
How about a one time DVD supplement called The Gag Cam? In this clip, the camera would be from the point of view of the throatfucked whores. It start out rightside up but would eventually get turned UPSIDEDOWN to properly simulate the throatfucking experience. Johnny Thrust could wiggle his skunk scrotum in front of the camera and a mixture of Karo Syrup and oatmeal would be poured over the lense to simulate the drooling and vomiting at the appropriate moments. The soundtrack would be from an actual throatfuck and perhaps the camera operator could shake and jostle the camera with each cough and hack for maximum realism. This would give the viewer a glimpse of what its like from the whore's point of view and thus enhance the degradation and humiliation, which I think we can all agree is always a good thing.
Another idea: How about if in a future addition the whore's are asked questions about important issues, for instance "What is your opinion on American Foreign policy in Iraq?" or "School vouchers: Yay or Nay?". But as she starts to answer the cocks are shoved into their mouths and the throatfucking begins, turning their opinions into garbled gobbledygook. That'd be hot.
One last thing: You know that song 'My Immortal' by Evanescence? It's a very sad song sung by a beautiful young woman with the voice of an angel. Well, when the girls who appear in Gag Factor hear that song, do you think they are moved by the emotion of the song and cry and are filled with regret over having turned their heads UPSIDEDOWN to get throastfucked and permanently preserved on video? I think so. Because here is a pretty young girl who could've ended up in Gag Factor and ruined her life, but instead she joined a band and sang songs that burned up the charts and moved millions of people and touched their hearts.
I got to go now. My tea is boiling.
Thanks for reading,