He waits to endorse him when its over??? How worthless.
Why would McCain want the guy? He's a voter pariah.
Who else was LittleBrain going to endorse? Obama??
Wasn't McCain better off with it?
I also saw that McCain got the endorsement of some minister [John Hagee] who drips venom against the Catholic Church ... and McCain welcomed the endorsement. Why go after that? You have the nomination WON?!? Without the endorsement, were Hagee members rushing to vote for Clinton or Obama??
Most of your white Catholics are Republicans. You want to piss off this base?? Most Hispanics are Catholic. You want an entire group alienated?
This is the judgement he's going to show us?
I contributed to McCain in 2000. He's lost me.
I don't get it.
He's pissed off the Catholic League <clicky>